Reputation: 775
I have set up a GUI for a simple encryption program using Tkinter, it uses Entry() boxes for the key and input. What I am attempting is to force the use to re-enter a key if they leave the key box blank and hit encrypt. Previously the program would just generate a random key for them and show it using messagebox.showinfo as well as putting it in the key box with Key_Box.insert(0, Key)
What I am using now is redirection, Key_Box.focus(), and a messagebox.showinfo telling the user that they haven't entered a key. The problem is that I can't stop the function from continuing after this point, it just runs on. When the whole program was text based I could just put
while Key == "":
Key = input("Input a new key:")
But with Tkinter using a while loop or time.sleep(n) stops the program from responding (understandably as it all runs in a loop).
So, how can I get the program to do this-
psuedo- if Key == "":
cursor at Key_Box
display ok button
until OK is pressed:
key = Keybox.get()
The rest of my code looks like this- Note- It needs a cleanup, or does Tkinter always look a bit messy
import time, random
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
##Encrypt and Decrypt
Master_Key = "0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"#£$%&'()*+,-./:;?@[\\]^_`{|}~r\x0b\x0c"
def Encrypt(User_Input, Key):
Output = ""
for i in range(len(User_Input)):
Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) + Master_Key.index(Key[i])
if Ref_For_Output >= len(Master_Key):
Ref_For_Output -= len(Master_Key)
Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]
return Output
def Decrypt(User_Input, Key):
Output = ""
for i in range(len(User_Input)):
Ref_For_Output = Master_Key.index(User_Input[i]) - Master_Key.index(Key[i])
if Ref_For_Output < 0:
Ref_For_Output += len(Master_Key)
Output += Master_Key[Ref_For_Output]
return Output
def Compatibility(User_Input, Key):
if Key == "":
## while len(Key) < 5:
## Key += Master_Key[random.randint(0, (len(Master_Key)-1))]
## Key_Box.insert(0, Key)
## messagebox.showinfo(title="Error!", message="Your key cannot be blank, your new randomly generated key is: \n" + Key)
Temp = 0
while len(Key) < len(User_Input):
Key += (Key[Temp])
Temp += 1
return Key
root.title("A451 CAM2")
#root.geometry("300x100")- Window will resize as I add to the Output_Box
##Input label
Label1 = Label(root, text="Input: ")
Label1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10)
##Key label
Label2 = Label(root, text="Key: ")
Label2.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10)
##Output label
Label3 = Label(root, text="Output: ")
Label3.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=10)
##Input entry box
Input_Box = Entry(root, bg="grey60")
Input_Box.grid(row=0, column=1)
#Key entry box
Key_Box = Entry(root, bg="grey60")
Key_Box.grid(row=1, column=1)
##The Output box
Output_Box = Text(root, height=1, width=15)
Output_Box.grid(row=2, column=1, rowspan=2)
##Encrypt button action- Manages setting input, checking the key, changing the Encrypt button, showing a message, changing output box, and adding to clipboard
def Encrypt_Button_Press():
User_Input = Input_Box.get()
Key = Compatibility(User_Input, Key_Box.get())
root.clipboard_append(Encrypt(User_Input, Key))
Output_Box.insert(INSERT, Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n")
New_Height = Output_Box.cget("height") + 1
Output_Box.configure(bg="green4", height=New_Height)
messagebox.showinfo("Complete", "Your encrypted text is: \n" + Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n The text has been added to your clipboard.")
##Decrypt button action- Manages setting input, checking the key, changing the Decrypt button, showing a message, changing output box, and adding to clipboard
def Decrypt_Button_Press():
User_Input = Input_Box.get()
Key = Key = Compatibility(User_Input, Key_Box.get())
root.clipboard_append(Decrypt(User_Input, Key))
Output_Box.insert(INSERT, Encrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n")
New_Height = Output_Box.cget("height") + 1
Output_Box.configure(bg="green4", height=New_Height)
messagebox.showinfo("Complete", "Your Decrypted text is: \n" + Decrypt(User_Input, Key) + "\n The text has been added to your clipboard.")
##The Clear button action
def Clear_All():
Key_Box.delete(0, END)
Output_Box.delete(1.0, END)
Output_Box.configure(bg="grey60", height=1)
##The Encrypt button
Encrypt_Button = Button(text="Encrypt", command=Encrypt_Button_Press, width=10, bg="green")
Encrypt_Button.grid(row=0, column=3, padx=10)
##The Decrypt button
Decrypt_Button = Button(text="Decrypt", command=Decrypt_Button_Press, width=10, bg="orange")
Decrypt_Button.grid(row=1, column = 3, padx=10)
##The clear button
Clear_Button = Button(text="Clear", command=Clear_All, bg="red", width=10)
Clear_Button.grid(row=2, column=3)
Thank you in advance for your help, I looked up after() but that involves calling more functions and doesn't seem to apply very well to what I am trying to do.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1023
Reputation: 3568
You could put the blocking code in it's own thread, allowing it to loop or block as written.
Upvotes: 1