Reputation: 5410
I use CtrlP to get around files within a project (which can usually be defined as being a git repo root), but often find myself using :cd
to switch between different projects which seems unnecessarily time consuming.
I'd like vim to be able to remember different git repo roots I have visited and quickly jump between them. Once there, all the files in the repo will be available to CtrlP and I can get to where I want.
Is there some way to get what I want with an existing plugin?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2448
Reputation: 5498
Try vim-rooter: when you enter a buffer it automatically changes directory to the buffer's "root" (e.g. git repo root) directory.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 45147
If you use fugitive.vim then I might have an option for you.
Put the following in your ~/.vimrc
set viminfo+=!
if !exists('g:PROJECTS')
let g:PROJECTS = {}
augroup project_discovery
autocmd User Fugitive let g:PROJECTS[fnamemodify(fugitive#repo().dir(), ':h')] = 1
augroup END
command! -complete=customlist,s:project_complete -nargs=1 Project cd <args>
function! s:project_complete(lead, cmdline, _) abort
let results = keys(get(g:, 'PROJECTS', {}))
" use projectionist if available
if exists('*projectionist#completion_filter')
return projectionist#completion_filter(results, a:lead, '/')
" fallback to cheap fuzzy matching
let regex = substitute(a:lead, '.', '[&].*', 'g')
return filter(results, 'v:val =~ regex')
The idea is that anytime fugitive activates a buffer the script stores the project directory path inside a g:PROJECTS
dictionary. Adding !
to 'viminfo'
will store capitalized global variables to the viminfo file thereby making the discovered projects persist. Once fugitive discovers a project the :Project
command can be used to :cd
to that directory with completion.
by other meansUpvotes: 4
Reputation: 46
Just put two project in a new directory, and open Vim in this directory, then you can use ctrlP to open file in both projects.
If you don't want to move the project, create soft link and put them in one directory.
Upvotes: 1