Reputation: 231
I am very new to Apache Spark. I would actually like to focus on basic Spark API specification and want to understand and write some programs using Spark API. I have written a java program using Apache Spark to implement Joins concept.
When I use Left Outer Join -- leftOuterJoin() or Right Outer Join -- rightOuterJoin(), both two methods are returning a JavaPairRDD which contains a special type Google Options. But I do not know how to extract the original values from Optional type.
Anyways I would like to know can I use same join methods which return the data in my own format. I did not find any way to do that. Meaning is when I am using Apache Spark, I am not able to customize the code in my own style since they already have given all pre-defined things.
Please find the code below
my 2 sample input datasets
00000551,12-30-2011,4000001,092.88,Games,Dice & Dice Sets,Buffalo,New York,credit
00004811,11-10-2011,4000001,180.35,Outdoor Play Equipment,Water Tables,Brownsville,Texas,credit
00034388,09-11-2011,4000002,020.55,Team Sports,Beach Volleyball,Orange,California,cash
00008996,11-21-2011,4000003,121.04,Outdoor Recreation,Fishing,Colorado Springs,Colorado,credit
00009167,05-24-2011,4000003,194.94,Exercise & Fitness,Foam Rollers,El Paso,Texas,credit
Here is my Java code
public class SparkJoins {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("Spark Count").setMaster("local"));
JavaRDD<String> customerInputFile = sc.textFile("C:/path/customers_data.txt");
JavaPairRDD<String, String> customerPairs = customerInputFile.mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, String>() {
public Tuple2<String, String> call(String s) {
String[] customerSplit = s.split(",");
return new Tuple2<String, String>(customerSplit[0], customerSplit[1]);
JavaRDD<String> transactionInputFile = sc.textFile("C:/path/transactions_data.txt");
JavaPairRDD<String, String> transactionPairs = transactionInputFile.mapToPair(new PairFunction<String, String, String>() {
public Tuple2<String, String> call(String s) {
String[] transactionSplit = s.split(",");
return new Tuple2<String, String>(transactionSplit[2], transactionSplit[3]+","+transactionSplit[1]);
//Default Join operation (Inner join)
JavaPairRDD<String, Tuple2<String, String>> joinsOutput = customerPairs.join(transactionPairs);
System.out.println("Joins function Output: "+joinsOutput.collect());
//Left Outer join operation
JavaPairRDD<String, Iterable<Tuple2<String, Optional<String>>>> leftJoinOutput = customerPairs.leftOuterJoin(transactionPairs).groupByKey().sortByKey();
System.out.println("LeftOuterJoins function Output: "+leftJoinOutput.collect());
//Right Outer join operation
JavaPairRDD<String, Iterable<Tuple2<Optional<String>, String>>> rightJoinOutput = customerPairs.rightOuterJoin(transactionPairs).groupByKey().sortByKey();
System.out.println("RightOuterJoins function Output: "+rightJoinOutput.collect());
And here the output which I am getting
Joins function Output: [(4000001,(Kristina,092.88,12-30-2011)), (4000001,(Kristina,180.35,11-10-2011)), (4000003,(Sherri,121.04,11-21-2011)), (4000003,(Sherri,194.94,05-24-2011)), (4000002,(Paige,020.55,09-11-2011))]
LeftOuterJoins function Output: [(4000001,[(Kristina,Optional.of(092.88,12-30-2011)), (Kristina,Optional.of(180.35,11-10-2011))]), (4000002,[(Paige,Optional.of(020.55,09-11-2011))]), (4000003,[(Sherri,Optional.of(121.04,11-21-2011)), (Sherri,Optional.of(194.94,05-24-2011))])]
RightOuterJoins function Output: [(4000001,[(Optional.of(Kristina),092.88,12-30-2011), (Optional.of(Kristina),180.35,11-10-2011)]), (4000002,[(Optional.of(Paige),020.55,09-11-2011)]), (4000003,[(Optional.of(Sherri),121.04,11-21-2011), (Optional.of(Sherri),194.94,05-24-2011)])]
I am running this program on Windows platform
Please observe the above output and help me in extracting the values from Optional type
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 15
Views: 27214
Reputation: 2484
Lis<Person> personList = List.of(Person.builder()
Lis<Employee> employeeList = List.of(Employee.builder()
Dataset<Person> firstDataset = spark.createDataset(personList, Encoders.bean(Person.class));
Dataset<Employee> secondDataset = spark.createDataset(employeeList, Encoders.bean(Employee.class));
Dataset<Row> backlog = firstDataset.join(secondDataset, "id");
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Reputation: 179
In Java, we can also implement JOINs using DataFrames as follows:
1) create spark session as:
SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("JoinsInSpark").master("local").getOrCreate();
2) I've taken the Employee input as:
101,Alan,Franklyn Street,Melbourne,QLD
104,Stuart,Lonsdale Street,Sydney,NSW
create DataFrame as:
Dataset<Employee> e_data = spark
.map(line -> {
Employee e = new Employee();
String[] parts = line.split(",");
return e;
}, Encoders.bean(Employee.class));
where Employee is the POJO class containing setter, getter along with constructor.
3) similarly create another DF for second table (say salary)
4) Apply INNER join on distinct elements of both views:
Dataset<Row> d1 = e_data.distinct().join(s_data.distinct(), "e_id").orderBy("salary");;
5) similary, left outer join as:
spark.sql("select * from global_temp.employee e LEFT OUTER JOIN global_temp.salary s on e.e_id = s.e_id").show();
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Reputation: 1279
When you do left outer join and right outer join, you might have null values. right!
So spark returns Optional object. after getting that result, you can map that result to your own format.
your can use isPresent() method of Optional to map your data.
Here is the example :
JavaPairRDD<String,String> firstRDD = ....
JavaPairRDD<String,String> secondRDD =....
// join both rdd using left outerjoin
JavaPairRDD<String, Tuple2<String, Optional<Boolean>>> rddWithJoin = firstRDD.leftOuterJoin(secondRDD);
// mapping of join result
JavaPairRDD<String, String> mappedRDD = rddWithJoin
.mapToPair(tuple -> {
if (tuple._2()._2().isPresent()) {
//do your operation and return
return new Tuple2<String, String>(tuple._1(), tuple._2()._1());
} else {
return new Tuple2<String, String>(tuple._1(), "not present");
Upvotes: 12