
Reputation: 868

Getting aggregated data in SQL

I have a StatementsEntries table as follows

ID  |   Name       |  CaseId | StatementID  | Amount  |  Balance   | Paid
 1  |  Statement 1 |    1     |      1       |   1000  |  1000      |   1
 2  |  Payment     |    1     |      0       |   1000  |    0       |   0
 3  |  Statement 2 |    3     |      2       |    500  |    500     |   0
 4  |  Statement 3 |    4     |      3       |    50   |    50      |   0
 5  |  Payment     |    3     |      0       |    25   |    475     |   0

This is an existing table with hundreds of records and basically when there is a Name Statement * and a StatementId it means it was processed "invoiced", then any payments to the same case Id always goes to the older invoice. In this case Statement 1 is fully paid because the statement was generated and then a payment was received for the balance amount.

In the case of Statement 2, it was generated and it received a payment after statement 3 was generated, the payment was for 25 dollars so the payment was applied to Statement 2 with the same caseId, only payments to the specific case id are assigned, so if I had made a payment for CaseId 4, i would have applied it to Statement 3.

I would like to obtain a query with the following results:

 StatementId  |  Name        | Amount | Balance | IsPaid
      1       |  Statement 1 |  1000  | 1000    |   1
      1       |  Statement 1 |  1000  |   0     |   0
      2       |  Statement 2 |  500   |  500    |   0
      2       |  Statement 2 |   25   |  475    |   0
      3       |  Statement 3 |   50   |  50     |   0

I have tried using UNION ALL, and joining to the same table but I am struggling setting the StatementId for the record that has the payment. Will appreciate some direction for this.

UPDATE I tried the following script

    [Statement ID] = CASE WHEN s.StatementId> 0 THEN s.StatementId ELSE x.StatementId END,
    Name = CASE WHEN s.StatementId> 0 THEN s.Description ELSE x.Description END,
FROM StatementEntries s
    SELECT *
    FROM StatementEntries
        CaseId = s.CaseId
        AND StatementId > s.StatementId AND StatementId > 0
WHERE s.CaseId = 1

That yields

 StatementId  |  Name        | Amount | Balance | IsPaid
      1       |  Statement 1 |  1000  | 1000    |   1
      1       |  Statement 1 |  1000  |   0     |   0
      2       |  Statement 2 |  500   |  500    |   0
      1       |  Statement 1 |   25   |  475    |   0
      3       |  Statement 3 |   50   |  50     |   0

See record #4, it should show Statement ID 2 and Statement 2. I am working on it trying to make it work, thank you so much for the answer though i think it's setting me in the right path.

UPDATE 2 (Adding schema and sample data)

CREATE TABLE StatementsEntries (
    Id              INT,
    Name            VARCHAR(200),
    Date            DATE,
    IsCredit        BIT,
    Amount          DECIMAL,
    CaseId          INT,
    IsAdjustment    BIT,
    StatementId     INT,
    Balance         DECIMAL,
    IsPaid          BIT,
    CreateDate      DATE

INSERT INTO StatementsEntries  VALUES
(1, 'Statement 4444','04/01/2007',0, 850,1,0,4444,850,1,'04/01/2007'),
(2, 'Payment made', '04/02/2007', 1, 850,1,0,0,0,0,'04/02/2007'),
(3, 'Statement 5555','08/01/2008', 0,1003, 1,0,5555,1003, 0,'08/01/2008'),
(4, 'Statement 7777','09/01/2008',0, 3000,2,0,7777,3000,0,'09/01/2008'),
(5, 'Statement 8883','10/01/2008', 0,1500, 5,0,8883,1500, 1,'10/01/2008'),
(6, 'Payment made', '10/02/2008', 1, 1500,5,0,0,0,0,'10/02/2008'),
(7, 'Statement 9992','11/01/2008',0, 1750,7,0,9992,1750,0,'11/01/2008'),
(8, 'Payment made', '04/02/2009', 1, 1002,1,0,0,648,0,'04/02/2009'),
(9, 'Statement 9994','08/01/2010', 0,1650, 1,0,9994,1650, 1,'08/01/2010'),
(10, 'Payment made', '09/02/2011', 1, 10,1,0,0,638,0,'09/02/2011');

Upvotes: 1

Views: 176

Answers (5)


Reputation: 980

This should do the trick

      ISNULL([Statement].StatementId, SE.StatementId) AS StatementId
    , ISNULL([Statement].Name, SE.Name) AS Name
    , Date         
    , IsCredit     
    , Amount       
    , CaseId       
    , IsAdjustment 
    , Balance      
    , IsPaid       
    , CreateDate   
FROM StatementsEntries AS SE
        SELECT Name, StatementId
        FROM StatementsEntries AS SE_name
        WHERE SE_name.Id = SE.CaseId
            AND SE.IsCredit = 1
    ) AS [Statement]
ORDER BY StatementId

Upvotes: 0

Jesús López
Jesús López

Reputation: 9221

Using the sample data, the following query:

SELECT S.Id, S.Name, S.Date, S.IsCredit, S.Amount, S.CaseId, S.IsAdjustment, S.StatementId, S.Balance, S.IsPaid, S.CreateDate
    StatementsEntries S
   S.IsCredit = 0


SELECT P.Id, S.Name, P.Date, P.IsCredit, P.Amount, P.CaseId, P.IsAdjustment, S.StatementId, P.Balance, P.IsPaid, P.CreateDate
    StatementsEntries P
        SELECT TOP (1)  S.StatementId, S.Name
        FROM StatementsEntries S
            S.CaseId = P.CaseId
            AND S.IsCredit = 0
            AND S.Id < P.Id
            BY S.Id DESC
    ) S
    IsCredit = 1

ORDER BY StatementId, Id

Produces the following result:

║ Id ║      Name      ║    Date    ║ IsCredit ║ Amount ║ CaseId ║ IsAdjustment ║ StatementId ║ Balance ║ IsPaid ║ CreateDate ║
║  1 ║ Statement 4444 ║ 2007-04-01 ║        0 ║    850 ║      1 ║            0 ║        4444 ║     850 ║      1 ║ 2007-04-01 ║
║  2 ║ Statement 4444 ║ 2007-04-02 ║        1 ║    850 ║      1 ║            0 ║        4444 ║       0 ║      0 ║ 2007-04-02 ║
║  3 ║ Statement 5555 ║ 2008-08-01 ║        0 ║   1003 ║      1 ║            0 ║        5555 ║    1003 ║      0 ║ 2008-08-01 ║
║  8 ║ Statement 5555 ║ 2009-04-02 ║        1 ║   1002 ║      1 ║            0 ║        5555 ║     648 ║      0 ║ 2009-04-02 ║
║  4 ║ Statement 7777 ║ 2008-09-01 ║        0 ║   3000 ║      2 ║            0 ║        7777 ║    3000 ║      0 ║ 2008-09-01 ║
║  5 ║ Statement 8883 ║ 2008-10-01 ║        0 ║   1500 ║      5 ║            0 ║        8883 ║    1500 ║      1 ║ 2008-10-01 ║
║  6 ║ Statement 8883 ║ 2008-10-02 ║        1 ║   1500 ║      5 ║            0 ║        8883 ║       0 ║      0 ║ 2008-10-02 ║
║  7 ║ Statement 9992 ║ 2008-11-01 ║        0 ║   1750 ║      7 ║            0 ║        9992 ║    1750 ║      0 ║ 2008-11-01 ║
║  9 ║ Statement 9994 ║ 2010-08-01 ║        0 ║   1650 ║      1 ║            0 ║        9994 ║    1650 ║      1 ║ 2010-08-01 ║
║ 10 ║ Statement 9994 ║ 2011-09-02 ║        1 ║     10 ║      1 ║            0 ║        9994 ║     638 ║      0 ║ 2011-09-02 ║

Upvotes: 0

Felix Pamittan
Felix Pamittan

Reputation: 31879

Sample Data:

Id          Name            Date       IsCredit Amount      CaseId      IsAdjustment StatementId Balance     IsPaid CreateDate
----------- --------------- ---------- -------- ----------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ------ ----------
1           Statement 4444  2007-04-01 0        850         1           0            4444        850         1      2007-04-01
2           Payment made    2007-04-02 1        850         1           0            0           0           0      2007-04-02
3           Statement 5555  2008-08-01 0        1003        1           0            5555        1003        0      2008-08-01
4           Statement 7777  2008-09-01 0        3000        2           0            7777        3000        0      2008-09-01
5           Statement 8883  2008-10-01 0        1500        5           0            8883        1500        1      2008-10-01
6           Payment made    2008-10-02 1        1500        5           0            0           0           0      2008-10-02
7           Statement 9992  2008-11-01 0        1750        7           0            9992        1750        0      2008-11-01
8           Payment made    2009-04-02 1        1002        1           0            0           648         0      2009-04-02
9           Statement 9994  2010-08-01 0        1650        1           0            9994        1650        1      2010-08-01
10          Payment made    2011-09-02 1        10          1           0            0           638         0      2011-09-02


    [Statement ID] = CASE WHEN s.StatementID > 0 THEN s.StatementID ELSE x.StatementID END,
    Name = CASE WHEN s.StatementID > 0 THEN s.Name ELSE x.Name END,
FROM StatementsEntries s
    SELECT TOP 1 *
    FROM StatementsEntries
        CaseID = s.CaseID
        AND StatementID > 0
        AND ID < s.Id
    ORDER BY ID Desc
ORDER BY [Statement ID], s.Id


id          Statement ID Name            Amount      Balance     IsPaid
----------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ----------- ------
1           4444         Statement 4444  850         850         1
2           4444         Statement 4444  850         0           0
3           5555         Statement 5555  1003        1003        0
8           5555         Statement 5555  1002        648         0
4           7777         Statement 7777  3000        3000        0
5           8883         Statement 8883  1500        1500        1
6           8883         Statement 8883  1500        0           0
7           9992         Statement 9992  1750        1750        0
9           9994         Statement 9994  1650        1650        1
10          9994         Statement 9994  10          638         0

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 21757

Try this:

select distinct src.caseid,, 
max(src.statementid) over (partition by src.caseid order by   statementid, 
src.paid ispaid
from tbl src
left join tbl tgt on tgt.caseid = src.caseid and tgt.statementid = 0
order by caseid, src.balance desc


Note: This will not work with SQL Server version below SQL Server 2005.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 93704

Use Cross Apply

SELECT Dense_rank()OVER(ORDER BY StatementID,,
FROM   Yourtable a
       CROSS apply (SELECT TOP 1 name
                    FROM   Yourtable  b
                    WHERE  a.CaseId = b.CaseId
                    ORDER  BY id) cs 

SqlFiddle Demo

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