Reputation: 11
I am trying to make a program that requires the user to sign in and if the right username and password is entered then open a form for that user. The way I have it done just now is the username is stored in a variable and I was wondering how I can use the text from the variable in the form name for example:
UserName = User1 then
UserName = JohnSmith then
Here is an excerpt from the code I have so far:
Dim Path As String = "Account_File.text "
Dim Read_File() As String = File.ReadAllLines(Path)
Dim NoOfLines As Integer = Read_File.Length
Dim UserName(NoOfLines) As String
Dim Password(NoOfLines) As String
Dim LastNonEmpty As Integer = -1
Dim InputUserName As String = ""
Dim InputPassword As String = ""
If TxtUserName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter a username.")
GoTo InvalidDetails
InputUserName = TxtUserName.Text
End If
If TxtPassword.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please enter a Password.")
GoTo InvalidDetails
InputPassword = TxtPassword.Text
End If
For i = 0 To NoOfLines
Dim SplitString() As String = Split(Read_File(i))
For j As Integer = 0 To SplitString.Length - 1
If SplitString(j) <> "" Then
LastNonEmpty += 1
SplitString(LastNonEmpty) = SplitString(j)
End If
ReDim Preserve SplitString(LastNonEmpty)
LastNonEmpty = -1
UserName(i) = SplitString(0)
Password(i) = SplitString(1)
For i = 0 To NoOfLines
If UserName(i) = InputUserName And Password(i) = InputPassword Then
MsgBox("Either the username or password is incorrect.")
End If
Upvotes: 1
Views: 104
Reputation: 942256
Some sample code:
Dim formname = "Form" + TxtUserName.Text
Dim typename = Me.GetType().Namespace + "." + formname
Dim type = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetType(typename)
If type IsNot Nothing Then
Dim form = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(type), Form)
End If
Which assumes that all forms live in the same assembly and have the same namespace. Do keep in mind that your customer isn't very likely to be thrilled to have to call you every single time he gets a new employee. Or for that matter is going to like you asking for username + password without providing the kind of security guarantees that a Windows logon already provides. Don't do this.
Upvotes: 2