Reputation: 7758
Until recently my solution only had 1 web project. It is deployed to Azure.
There then became a requirement for WebJobs, which should share the data layer, so I extracted out any EntityFramework code (Configuration/IdentityModels) into their own project.
Now when I try to use the command line to "add-migration" I get the following error:
An error occurred accessing the database. This usually means that the connection to the database failed. Check that the connection string is correct and that the appropriate DbContext constructor is being used to specify it or find it in the application's config file. See for information on DbContext and connections. See the inner exception for details of the failure.
Here is what the App.Config file looks like for the EF project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit --></configSections>
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
<add name="Default" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Sample;Integrated Security=True;Connect timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Can anyone help please?
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Views: 712
Reputation: 11
I just had the same problem.
It seems there is a required order of configuration child elements.
In my case I changed them to:
Upvotes: 1