Reputation: 495
Hi Have table in oracle like
1 A 2014-01-01
2 B 1900-01-01
3 C 29-02-2016
Here while executing select query I want to put data validation which check year between 1900-2099 month 1-12 and date between 1-31. I try to get this result by using regular expression in my query
FROM test
'^(19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$')
it's working fine but with the case 31-02-2016 its failing, I tried to use another expression which given in this link Regex to validate date format dd/mm/yyyy
but it's showing no data found while executing the query, Is there any limit of oracle with regular expression as the same expression working fine on this
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Views: 534
Reputation: 3216
I don't know a function that do this, but you can create a function that validates an specific format using to_date
. For example:
create or replace function test_date_func(d varchar2,format varchar2) return varchar2
v_date date;
select to_date(d,format) into v_date from dual;
return '1';
exception when others then return '0';
Now you can call the function many times as formats you which:
select dat, test_date_func(dat,'dd-mm-yyyy')||test_date_func(dat,'yyyy-mm-dd') valid
from (select '2014-01-01' dat from dual union all
select '1900-01-01' from dual union all
select '29-02-2010' from dual union all
select '28-02-2010' from dual);
This validates dates in formats 'dd-mm-yyyy' and 'yyyy-mm-dd' and return:
2014-01-01 01
1900-01-01 01
29-02-2010 00
28-02-2010 10
As you can see the unique invalid date is 29-02-2010 which return 0 in both cases 00
. Now if you want this more clear, you can add a case condition to show Valid or Invalid instead 0s and 1s:
select dat, case when regexp_like(valid,'1') then 'Valid' else 'Invalid' end from (
select dat, test_date_func(dat,'dd-mm-yyyy')||test_date_func(dat,'yyyy-mm-dd') valid
from (select '2014-01-01' dat from dual union all
select '1900-01-01' from dual union all
select '29-02-2010' from dual union all
select '28-02-2010' from dual));
Upvotes: 1