Reputation: 435
Well, I have been experiencing same error as discussed here:
Coldfusion 10 File Not Found Error
I am using Coldfusion 11 , developer edition on my Laptop , Windows 8.1 Pro (OS).
People have suggested two approaches over there to overcome this problem:
1) Setting Missing Template in CFAdmin
2) Setup onMissingTemplate function in Application.cfc
I am basically not sure with any of the approaches , however, I would like to go with the first approach. Could anyone tell me how should I set up missing template in CFadmin?
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Views: 968
Reputation: 5510
Why do you prefer letting the server handle the missing template? Myself, I like to handle it on a per-application basis. Some applications should never have links leading to non-existing files, others may operate on that as part of its core.
Straight from adobe's docs, you can use (I accidentally pulled this info from cf8 docs, but the link is to current docs and the result is largely the same.
<cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument type="string" name="targetPage" required=true/>
<cfreturn BooleanValue />
For a few of my projects, I've written a CMS (Content-Management-System) that stores all the content in the database in fashion.
PID PTitle PFile PContent
1 Home /index.cfm <b>Hey!</b> Welcome to our gollygizmo website.
And then I (my real code actually uses cfincludes rather than directly in the document. You can do it either way, but it was easiest for me to demonstrate with inline code).
<cffunction name="onMissingTemplate" returnType="boolean">
<cfargument type="string" name="targetPage" required=true/>
<cfquery name="FindPage">
select * from CMSPages
where pFile = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="nvarchar" value="#Arguments.targetPage#">
<cfif FindPage.recordcount eq 1>
<cfoutput query="FindPage">show page stuffs</cfoutput>
<cfreturn true>
<!--- Page not found, log some stuff or email stuff
include cgi data so you know where the link came from --->
Hey, this page doesn't exist, sorry about that.
<cfreturn true>
<!--- Something went wrong, log/email error info and --->
<cfreturn false>
<!--- We return false here to pass it back to the default error handler, which can be a handler set in cfadmin. --->
In such a scenario, it's probably beneficial to cache queries based on query name, you can do something like
<cfquery name="local.FindPage#hash(arguments.targetpage)#" cachedWithin="...">
<cfset request.FindPage=local["Findpage#hash(arguments.targetpage)#"]>
So that the queries are cached by unique names, even though it's easily accesible in your document by a common name.
However, if you still prefer server-centric missing template handling, a simple search for cold fusion admin missing template
will bring you here.
- In the ColdFusion Administrator, click on "Settings" to view the "Server Settings" page
- Specify the absolute path that ColdFusion will use to find your error handling template
Upvotes: 2