Reputation: 163
I'm working on a school project and since many weeks I try to adapt this code, but it returns me an empty QByteArray. I really need this code, cause my whole project is based on this code.
Here is my code :
namespace Pixmap {
static QByteArray *bitmap;
QPixmap downloadPixmap(const QUrl &url);
QPixmap downloadPixmap(const QString &url);
QPixmap Pixmap::downloadPixmap(QUrl const& url)
QNetworkAccessManager access_manager;
QNetworkReply *reply = access_manager.get(
QPixmap pix;
bitmap = &reply->readAll();
if (/*!bitmap->isNull() && */ !reply->readAll().isNull()) {
return pix;
} else {
// Apparemment aux tests 1 et 2 pas d'erreurs.
return QPixmap();
QPixmap Pixmap::downloadPixmap(QString const& url)
return downloadPixmap(QUrl(url));
I thought the solution was to use a static variable to receive data's reply, but it wasn't.
Could you give some advice, please.
I'm developping on Windows currently with Qt 5.3.
Thank you all.
Edit 1: So I merged Nejat's second solution with this.
The result is not concluding. The debugger advices me HTTP protocol is not supported.
Can't download "" : "Protocol type not supported"
if (reply->waitForReadyRead(-1)) //! @bug this does not work as supposed, waitForRead returns false and returns INSTANTLY!!
qDebug() << "ReadyRead yeha!!!";
if (reply->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't download" << reply->url().toString()
<< ":" << reply->errorString();
} else {
bitmap = reply->readAll();
qDebug() << "Saving IMG";
What does the problem come from according to you ? I'm still new to Qt Widgets and I don't master QObject::connect.
Edit 2: The URL is local, there it is : I am able to view it with my web browser, but not within my application. So I don't see what's the problem.
Now I try, it returns the message that HTTP protocol is not supported.
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Views: 161
Reputation: 163
So I merged Nejat's second solution with this.
The result is not concluding. The debugger advices me HTTP protocol is not supported.
Can't download "" : "Protocol type not supported"
if (reply->waitForReadyRead(-1)) //! @bug this does not work as supposed, waitForRead returns false and returns INSTANTLY!!
qDebug() << "ReadyRead yeha!!!";
if (reply->error()) {
qDebug() << "Can't download" << reply->url().toString()
<< ":" << reply->errorString();
} else {
bitmap = reply->readAll();
qDebug() << "Saving IMG";
What does the problem come from according to you ? I'm still new to Qt Widgets and I don't master QObject::connect.
Edit : This request is blocked by a hidden proxy at work.
Plus be aware, this code will not create a memory leak :
QEventLoop *loop = new QEventLoop;
QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), loop, SLOT(quit()));
QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), loop, SLOT(quit()));
You don't need to delete QObject derived objects.
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Reputation: 32645
You can also do it in an asynchronous way by connecting the finished
signal of the QNetworkAccessManager
to a slot :
And read data there :
void onFinished(QNetworkReply* reply)
if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError)
QByteArray bts = reply->readAll();
You can also use an event loop to wait until the reply is finished and then read the available bytes :
QNetworkAccessManager access_manager;
QNetworkReply *reply = access_manager.get(QNetworkRequest(url));
QEventLoop loop;
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
QByteArray bts = reply->readAll();
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5322
You must set the finished signal of your access_manager
connect(access_manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(myFunctionToHandleReply(QNetworkReply *)));
And your myFunctionToHandleReply must handle the reply:
void MyApp::myFunctionToHandleReply(QNetworkReply *reply) {
QByteArray data = reply->readAll();
The documentation with the signals of QNetworkAccessManager:
Upvotes: 1