Subham Tripathi
Subham Tripathi

Reputation: 2733

parsing xml from batch

i need to parse this xml file and use the input from the fields via a windows batch.i need to put all the values in variables, i am banging my head for so many hours but cant come up with anything useful. can someone please help ? A simple useful hint would suffice.

i need an answer which follows normal programming format as in first i need to see tag and then the and then if there are multiple i have to parse them in a loop.


Upvotes: 1

Views: 727

Answers (2)


Reputation: 79983

:: remove variables starting $
FOR  /F "delims==" %%a In ('set $ 2^>Nul') DO SET "%%a="

:: evaluate command line. Structure is 
:: %1 : filename to be analysed
:: %2 : tag to signal "new data item"
:: %..: other REQUIRED tags
:: then repeat
:: /opt optional tags
:: /block start-analysis tag
:: /seq tags in required output-sequence
SET "$filename=%~1"
IF NOT EXIST "%$filename%" ECHO "%~1" NOT found&GOTO :EOF 
SET "$mode=tag"
SET "$=%~1"
IF %$:~0,1%==/ (SET "$mode=%$:~1%") ELSE (CALL SET "$%$mode%=%%$%$mode%%% %~1")
GOTO tagloop

:: start mode OFF in block mode, on otherwise
:: establish tag1 (which signals start-of-next-data-item)
IF DEFINED block (SET "$mode=") ELSE (SET "$mode=Y")
FOR %%z IN (%$tag%) DO IF NOT DEFINED $tag1 SET "$tag1=%%z"
:: default output sequence is requiredtags optionaltags
IF NOT DEFINED $seq SET "$seq=%$tag% %$opt%"
CALL :zapvars
FOR /f "usebackqtokens=*" %%L  IN ("%$filename%") DO (
 FOR /f "tokens=1-3delims=<>" %%a  IN ("%%L") DO IF "%%c"=="" (CALL :lonely "%%a") ELSE (CALL :triplet "%%a" "%%b" "%%c")

GOTO :eof

:: One parameter on line - may be start/end of block

FOR %%p IN (%$block%) DO IF /i "%%p"=="%~1" (SET "$mode=Y"&CALL :zapvars) ELSE (
 IF /i "/%%p"=="%~1" CALL :output&SET "$mode=")
GOTO :eof

:: presume 3 elements - tag data endtag

FOR %%p IN (%$tag1%) DO IF /i "%~1"=="%%p" CALL :output
FOR %%p IN (%$tag% %$opt%) DO IF /i "%~1"=="%%p" SET "$$%%p=%~2"
GOTO :eof

IF NOT DEFINED $mode GOTO zapvars

:: build line for outputting - IF all the required elements are present

FOR %%p IN (%$tag%) DO IF NOT DEFINED $$%%p GOTO zapvars
SET "$line="

FOR %%p IN (%$seq%) DO IF DEFINED $$%%p (CALL SET "$line=%%$line%%,%%$$%%p%%") ELSE (CALL SET "$line=%%$line%%,""")
ECHO %$line:~1%

GOTO zapvars

FOR %%z IN (%$tag% %$opt%) DO SET "$$%%z="
GOTO :eof

Well - likely there's some holes in this - so "for experimental purposes"

Run it as thisbatch filename requiredtags

If there are optional tags, then add /opt optionaltags

To set the output field sequence, add /seq tagsrequiredtobeoutput - by default, use requiredtags+optionaltags

To activate output only between starttag and /starttag then add /block tag

The processing is reasonably simple. The tag names are built into envvars starting $ - $tag, $seq etc. The lines are assumed to be either <tag>, </endtag> or <tag>data</endtag>.

Beyond that, the process is controlled by $mode (when set : output) which is switched by the processing of a block tag. Data is accumulated into envvars $$tagname and will only be output if the $mode swich is set and there is a full set of required tags. The first required tag is special, it controls when a new data item is started (and starting a new data item implies that the previous item being accumulated gets output)

hence, the command

thisbatch q28540123.txt username passwrod /opt policyname groupname /seq policyname groupname username passwrod  /block users

would extract data <users>..</users>, requiring username passwrod and optionally policyname groupname and at each databreak on username (the first-mentioned required element) would show data in the sequence policyname groupname username passwrod

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 91

Suppose you have z1.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

And you have z2.bat

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims=><" %%a in ('type z1.xml ^| find 
"<USERNAME>"') do set ip=%%a
echo User Name is %ip%

for /f "tokens=2 delims=><" %%a in ('type z1.xml ^| find 
"<PASSWORD>"') do set ip=%%a
echo Password is %ip%

Now you can do this thus way.

Upvotes: 1

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