Reputation: 303
I have searched through other posts and have not found an answer that fits my needs. I have a file that is space delimited. I would like to print the first letter of each word in the given line. For example:
cat test.txt
This is a test sentence.
Using either sed, awk, or a combination, I would like the output to be "Tiats". Any advice on pointing me in the right direction?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 9714
Reputation: 5082
Ah, surprisingly difficult task until I found this thread. ... I wanted to extract the first letter in a string of words. This worked:
echo 'Apple banana Carrot fruit-cake (Grapes)' | sed -r 's/.*/\L&/; s/-/ /g; s/[()]//g; s/(.)[^ ]* */\1/g'
sed -r 's/.*/\L&/; s/-/ /g; s/[()]//g; s/(.)[^ ]* */\1/g'
lowercases the string (to uppercase, use: \U&
with space()
[^ ]*
]: \1
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 58430
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/\B.\|[[:space:][:punct:]]//g' file
Delete all characters following the beginning of a word, spaces and punctuation.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 46833
A funny pure Bash solution:
while read -r line; do
read -r -d '' -a ary <<< "$line"
printf '%c' "${ary[@]}" $'\n'
done < text.txt
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 48591
In Haskell, on one line:
main = putStr =<< (unlines . map (map head . words) . lines <$> getContents)
Perhaps more readably:
main = do
line <- getLine --Read a single line from stdin
let allWords = words line --Turn the line into a list of words
let firsts = map head allWords --Get the first letter of each word
putStrLn firsts --Print them out
main --Start over
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10039
sed 's/ *\([^ ]\)[^ ]\{1,\} */\1/g' YourFile
Take directly all space length and place. Assuming just that space are the space character and not a tab (but could easily be adapted for)
just for fun
sed 's/ *\(\([^ ]\)\)\{1,\} */\2/g' YourFile
take the last letter instead of first
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41456
Another awk
awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=substr($i,1,1)}1' OFS= file
This loops trough every word and cut off all except first letter.
cat file
This is a test sentence.
Ahggsh Mathsh Dansdjksj
awk '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=substr($i,1,1)}1' OFS= file
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 174706
Another perl command.
$ echo 'This is a test sentence.' | perl -nE 'print for m/(?<!\S)\S/g;print "\n"'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 20980
Using perl:
$ echo This is a test sentence | perl -nE 'print for /^\w|(?<=\W)./g'
Explanation: Print any non-white-space character, which is beginning of the line, or preceded by a white-space.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5298
Another solution with sed:
sed 's/\(.\)[^ ]* */\1/g' File
Here, we look for any character
) followed by a sequence of non-space characters
([^ ]*
) followed by optional space
( *
). Replace this pattern with the first
character(character matched by .
$ cat File
This is a test sentence.
Ahggsh Mathsh Dansdjksj
$ sed 's/\(.\)[^ ]* */\1/g' File
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 881563
One possibility:
pax> echo 'This is a test sentence.
This is another.' | sed -e 's/$/ /' -e 's/\([^ ]\)[^ ]* /\1/g' -e 's/^ *//'
The first sed
command simply ensures there's a space at the end of each line to simplify the second command.
The second command will strip all subsequent letters and the trailing spaces from each word. A word in this sense is defined as any group of non-space characters.
The third is something added to ensure leading spaces on each line are removed.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 7309
In awk:
awk '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
printf(substr($i, 1, 1));
}' input_file
awk automagically sets NF to be the number of fields in the line, loop through each one and use substr
to get the first letter
Upvotes: 2