
Reputation: 6442

how know container name with marathon rest API

I'm using Apache Mesos + Marathon + Zookeeper to deploy my rails app. I need share data between rails app and other container. I found some reference here to do it with marathon as follow:


"id": "privileged-job",
"container": {
    "docker": {
        "image": "mesosphere/inky"
        "privileged": true,
        "parameters": [
            { "key": "hostname", "value": "a.corp.org" },
            { "key": "volumes-from", "value": "another-container" },
            { "key": "lxc-conf", "value": "..." }
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "volumes": []
"args": ["hello"],
"cpus": 0.2,
"mem": 32.0,
"instances": 1

But I can't found a way to discover a name of my rails app container because marathon assign names with format: "mesos-uuid". Any idea to solve it? or another way to share volume from containers with marathon?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 4155

Answers (5)


Reputation: 7304

Get back your real requirement, I don't think it's better using container_id to comunicate with other container(s) than ipaddress. Though you are using zookeeper, you may use it as name service server——when "rails app container" is up, it could register itself in zk at specific node and then other app in other container(s) could find what they want there.

Upvotes: 0

Pedro Martucci
Pedro Martucci

Reputation: 9

You can run something like to get the Container Id

docker ps --filter label=MESOS_TASK_ID=<mesos-task-id> -q

Upvotes: 0

Benoit Brayer
Benoit Brayer

Reputation: 1

My script based on Shan's script. Takes hostname as first argument and a list of marathon deployment ids as others arguments.

I wish this will be helpfull to someone ;)

I am using marathon 0.11.1 and with this version the mesos container name is the value required for the volumes-from parameter.


find_mesos_id () {
  # Parameters

  # All running containers
  CONTAINERS=`docker -H $HOST:2375 ps | sed 1d | awk '{print $1}'`

  # for each get MARATHON_ID & MESOS_ID
  for i in "${CONTAINERS_ARRAY[@]}"
     MARATHON_APP_ID=$(docker -H $HOST:2375 inspect $i | grep MARATHON_APP_ID | awk -F '[="]' '{print $3}' | awk -F '\/' '{print $2}')
     MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME=$(docker -H $HOST:2375 inspect $i | grep MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME | awk -F '[="]' '{print $3}')

     # Print MESOS_ID only for desired container
     if [[ $MARATHON_APP_ID = $2 ]]; then
        printf "{ \"key\": \"volumes-from\", \"value\": \"%s\" }" $MESOS_CONTAINER_NAME

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
  echo "USAGE: bash gen-data-volumes.sh <host> [<marathon-id>]"
  printf "This script takes at least two arguments (%d given).\n" $#
  echo "exit 1."
  exit 1;

if [ "$#" -gt 1 ]; then
  for ((i=2;i<$#+1;i++)) 
      printf "%s" $(find_mesos_id $1 ${!i})
      if [[ $i -ne $# ]]; then
        printf ", "

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 2221

The answer might help others who are looking for it.

Use docker inspect and search for the environment setting in the JSON with key value "MESOS_TASK_ID".

Now you have a matching CONTAINER_ID and MESOS_TASK_ID pair.

Hope this helps.


For determining that in an automated way, first make sure that you docker daemon can be accessed remotely. Note: This may raise security concerns

Edit /etc/default/docker and add DOCKER_OPTS="-H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp://" and restart docker - on all your mesos slaves.

Use the following code, to get the MESOS_SLAVE CONTAINER_ID MESOS_TASK_ID mappings

HOSTS=($(curl -s -X GET -H "Accept: text/plain" http://mesosmaster:8080/v2/tasks | tail -n1 | cut -f3-))
for i in "${HOSTS[@]}"
hosts+=($(echo $i | awk -F":" '{print $1}'))
host=($(printf "%s\n" "${hosts[@]}" | sort -u))
for host in "${host[@]}"
INSTANCES=($(docker -H $host:2375 ps -q))
for container_id in "${INSTANCES[@]}"
mesos_id=$(docker -H $host:2375 inspect $container_id | grep MESOS_TASK_ID | awk -F '[="]' '{print $3}')
printf "$host\t$container_id\t$mesos_id\n"

Hope this will help you.

Upvotes: 3

Connor Doyle
Connor Doyle

Reputation: 1912

You can add constraints to your app to force them onto specific hosts.

In a simple case, you could do something like this to force an app onto a specific host:

 "instances": 1,
 "constraints": [["hostname", "LIKE", "worker-1"]]

The next option brings in attributes. You can tag a known number of hosts (let's say 3) with some custom tag.

Then your app definition could look like this:

 "instances": 3,
 "constraints": [
   ["hostname", "UNIQUE"],
   ["your-custom-tag", "GROUP_BY"]

You'd add this to the app definition for both of your apps, resulting in one instance of each running on all three slaves you tagged.

See the a reference doc on setting attributes.

Upvotes: 2

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