Reputation: 78

ANT task - multiple files - loop through

I have quite complicated ant task to write. I had to make separate builds files and 1 left. There are 4 files:

 buildpackage.bat, buildpackage.xml, buildpackage.txt, structure.xml

buildpackage.bat is just an ant file that calls buildpackage.xml "ant -f buildpackage.xml". That is fine.

buildpackage.txt is simple and has got comma-separated lines:


There is always server name and client name:

I need to split those files into 2 separate variables: and

What I have done is:

<loadfile property="buildpackage" srcFile="buildpackage.txt"/>    
<for list="${buildpackage}" param="depl.det" delimiter="${line.separator}">
   Input:   @{deploy.details}

The results I get are:

[echo] Input:   server_01,Client_01
[echo] Input:   server_02,Client_02
[echo] Input:   server_03,Client_03
[echo] Input:   clientserver,client_04

I would like server_01 to be parameter1 and client_02 to be parameter2.

I will perform other tasks in a sequence. I will copy files from client[x] directory to server[x] (that is simple but how do I split that string into 2 separate variables?).

And now the very complicated task.

I also have structure.xml file. The structure is:


I have plenty of clients, applications, brandings, solutions. Each client can have only 1 application and 1 branding but multiple solutions.

Based on previous sequential task (get server and name) I have to loop through that xml file and get for each matching client (from previous task)

- branding
- application 
- solutions (multiple or one) 

I can read XML using <xmlproperty> but I do not know how to do it sequentially (iterate) and get matching properties.

I know it is complicated. The summary is:

  1. build script starts
  2. build script extracts data from buildpackage.txt as and
  3. build script gets ${} from step 2 as a parameter and loops through structure.xml. It finds matching branding/application/solutions and outputs it for each matching client.

application name
solution [X]
solution [y]

Ant has to be processed for each server/client. I can do the rest of the build and compile if I have the properties. I can not touch structure.xml. I can do all I need/want to buildpackage.cml and buildpackge.txt. Buildpackage.txt could be replaced by .xml file or any file (for example .properties). It has to contain those 2 values server and client.

Thank you for your help.


Now i have a problem. If I put same application 2x into a buildfile it builds only first one. Here is my build.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="DoTheJob" basedir="." xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" xmlns:if="ant:if" xmlns:unless="ant:unless">
    <!-- Define classpath and default locations-->
    <property name="root.dir" location="../.."/>
    <property name="dest.dir" location="packages"/>
    <property name="ant.lib.dir" location="../lib"/>
    <property name="repository_url" value="http://repository-url"/> 
    <path id="project.classpath">
        <fileset dir="${ant.lib.dir}">
        <include name="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="${root.dir}/IIT/lib">
            <include name="*.jar"/>
        <pathelement location="../savedjar/compiled.jar"/>
    <path id="svnant.path">
        <fileset dir="../lib/">
            <include name="svnant.jar"/>
            <include name="svnClientAdapter.jar"/>
    <typedef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml" classpathref="svnant.path" /> 
        <format property="build_time" pattern="YYYY MMMM dd HH:mm:ss"/>
    <!-- Change characters to lowercase -->
    <scriptdef language="javascript" name="lowercase">
        <attribute name="string" />
        <attribute name="to" />
    <!-- Import XMLTask for XML transformations-->
    <taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask" classpathref="project.classpath"/>
    <!-- Define buildfiles locations-->
    <property name="structure.file" location="../structure.xml"/>
    <property name="buildpackage.file" location="buildpackage.txt"/>
    <!-- load client/server file-->
    <property file="${buildpackage.file}"/>
    <!-- loop over all clients --> 
    <xmltask source="${structure.file}">
    <call path="//client">
        <param path="name/text()" name="client"/>
        <param path="branding/text()" name="branding"/>
        <param path="applications/application/text()" name="application"/>
                <!-- loop through all XML properties only when @{client} condition is matched --> 
                    <isset property="@{client}"/>
                        <echo>Building package for @{client} on ${@{client}}       </echo>
                        <!-- creating destination directories -->                           
                        <delete dir="${build.dir}/@{client}"/>
                        <mkdir dir="${dest.dir}/@{client}"/> 
                        <echo>Copy application files code/temaplates to destination</echo>
                        <!-- creating code build directory -->
                        <mkdir dir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/code"/> 
                        <!-- copy application code --> 
                        <echo>copy application code</echo>
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/code/application/@{application}" overwrite="yes">
                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/client-source/application/@{application}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <!-- copy application templates --> 
                        <mkdir dir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}"/> 
                        <echo>copy application templates</echo>
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}" overwrite="yes">
                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/applications/apps/@{application}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <echo>copy Solutions files code/temaplates to destination</echo>
                        <!-- nested xmltask for loop over solutions -->
                        <xmltask source="${structure.file}">
                            <call path="/core/clients/client[name/text()='@{client}']/*/solution">
                                <param path="text()" name="solution"/>
                                        <!-- making sure that solution is lowercase -->
                                        <lowercase string="@{solution}" to="solution.lowercase" />
                                        <echo>copy solutions code</echo>
                                        <!-- copy solutions code -->
                                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/code/solutions/${solution.lowercase}" overwrite="yes">
                                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/client-source/solutions/${solution.lowercase}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                                        <!-- copy solutions templates -->
                                        <echo>copy Solutions templates</echo>
                                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}" overwrite="yes">
                                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/applications/solutions/${solution.lowercase}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <echo>copy Client files code/temaplates to destination</echo>
                        <!-- copy branding directory --> 
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}" overwrite="yes">
                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/applications/brandings/@{branding}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <!-- copy client code --> 
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/code/client/@{client}" overwrite="yes">
                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/client-source/client/@{client}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <!-- set templates directory --> 
                        <copy todir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}" overwrite="yes">
                            <fileset dir="${root.dir}/applications/clients/@{client}" includes="**/*.*"/>
                        <echo>compiling code                                </echo>
                        <!-- making classes directory --> 
                        <mkdir dir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/classes"/>
                        <javac destdir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/classes" classpathref="project.classpath" debug="on" fork="true" includeantruntime="false" memoryinitialsize="256m" memorymaximumsize="1024m">
                            <src path="${dest.dir}/@{client}/code/"/>
                        <echo>creating Client.jar                           </echo>
                        <!-- jar classes directory --> 
                        <jar jarfile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/Client.jar" basedir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/classes"/>
                        <!-- reaplce text in files --> 
                        <replaceregexp byline="true">
                            <regexp pattern="@ReleaseDate@"/>
                            <substitution expression="${build_time}"/>
                            <fileset dir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/@{client}/templates/">
                                <include name="*.htm"/>
                                <include name="*.html"/>            
                                <include name="*.ini"/>
                        <!-- get svn info --> 
                        <svn username="********" password="************" javahl="false" svnkit="false">
                            <info target="${repository_url}" />
                        <!-- creating Client.ini file --> 
                        <touch file="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/Client.ini"/>
                        <concat destfile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/Client.ini" append="true">releaseDate=${build_time}${line.separator}</concat>
                        <concat destfile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/Client.ini" append="true">svnrevision=${}${line.separator}</concat>
                        <!-- ziping package --> 
                        <zip destfile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/@{client}.zip" basedir="${dest.dir}/@{client}/app/" />
                        <echo>sending @{client}.zip to the server via scp      </echo>
                        <!-- scp file to remote server -->
                        <property name="scp_username" value="**********"/>
                        <property name="scp_password" value="**********"/>
                        <property name="scp_server" value="${@{client}}"/>
                        <property name="scp_remote_directory" value="*********"/>
                        <scp trust="true" verbose="true" localFile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/@{client}.zip" remoteTodir="${scp_username}:${scp_password}@${scp_server}:${scp_remote_directory}"/>  

And if I try yo build buildpackage.txt file


I do get client1->server1, client2->server1 but ...... no client 1to server2


All fixed. The solution for scp task is:

       <!-- scp file to remote server -->
        <property name="scp_username" value="XXX"/>
        <property name="scp_password" value="YYY"/>
        <property name="scp_remote_directory" value="path"/>
        <for list="${@{client}}" delimiter="=" param = "val">
            <property name="token" value="@"/>
            <scp trust="true" verbose="true" localFile="${dest.dir}/@{client}/@{client}.zip" remoteTodir="${scp_username}:${scp_password}${token}@@{val}:${scp_remote_directory}"/> 

All works. Thank you for your help

Upvotes: 1

Views: 4000

Answers (1)


Reputation: 10377

For any xmldriven build i recommend using the ant addon xmltask, so something like :
(assuming that clientnames are similar in buildpackage.txt and structure.xml - your snippet has several names Client_01, client1 .. !?)

 <!-- Import XMLTask -->
 <taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask"/>

 <!-- make buildpackage.txt a valid propertyfile to get the job done
      f.e. server1,client1 will get client1=server1 etc. ..
      to make server easily accessible within xml loop
   byline="true" />

 <!-- now load that file -->
 <property file="buildpackage.txt"/>

 <!-- loop over all clients --> 
 <xmltask source="structure.xml">
  <call path="//client">
   <param path="name/text()" name="client"/>
   <param path="branding/text()" name="branding"/>
   <param path="applications/application/text()" name="application"/>

   <!-- inside action adress params with @{..} syntax ! -->
    <!-- the copy (or whatever) action
         here demonstrated with echoxml -->
    <!-- access the corresponding server (set via buildpackage.txt)
         with nested ${@{..}} syntax ! -->
    <copy todir="//${@{client}}/share">
     <fileset dir="@{client}/somedir"/>


   <!-- another nested xmltask for loop over solutions -->
   <xmltask source="structure.xml">
    <call path="//client[name/text()='@{client}']/*/solution">
     <param path="text()" name="solution"/>


If possible you should create buildpackage.txt as valid propertyfile
with the format => Client[x]=Server[x] right away.
Then all you need is the xmltask. Put all your steps to be done into the nested action section as demonstrated with echoxml/copy.

Output :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<copy todir="//server1/share">
  <fileset dir="client1/somedir" />
     [echo] server1
     [echo] client1
     [echo] application_03
     [echo] brand_01
     [echo] solution01
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<copy todir="//server4/share">
  <fileset dir="client4/somedir" />
     [echo] server4
     [echo] client4
     [echo] application_03
     [echo] brand_09
     [echo] solution01
     [echo] solution07
     [echo] solution08

-- EDIT after question about conditional action, only if ${@{client}} is set --

if propertyfile buildpackage.txt contains wrong properties, means server=client instead of client=server, f.e. :


you need some if isset logic. The best is to use the new if/unless feature (introduced with ant191) if you're on ant >= 1.9.3, f.e. :

<!-- you need to activate that feature via namespaces -->

 <!-- Import XMLTask -->
 <taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask"/>

 <!-- load propertyfile with client=server mappings -->
 <property file="buildpackage.txt"/>

 <!-- loop over all clients -->
 <xmltask source="structure.xml">
  <call path="//client">
   <param path="name/text()" name="client"/>
   <param path="branding/text()" name="branding"/>
   <param path="applications/application/text()" name="application"/>

   <!-- inside action adress params with @{..} syntax ! -->
    <!-- the copy (or whatever) action
         here demonstrated with echoxml -->
   <echoxml if:set="@{client}">
    <!-- access the corresponding server (set via buildpackage.txt)
         with nested ${@{..}} syntax ! -->
    <copy todir="//${@{client}}/share">
     <fileset dir="@{client}/somedir"/>

   <echo if:set="@{client}">${@{client}}${line.separator}@{client}${line.separator}@{application}${line.separator}@{branding}</echo>

   <!-- another nested xmltask for loop over solutions -->
   <xmltask source="structure.xml">
    <call path="//client[name/text()='@{client}']/*/solution">
     <param path="text()" name="solution"/>
       <echo if:set="@{client}">@{solution}${line.separator}</echo>


Note => the xmltask call has also an if attribute, but the clientname is not known when starting the loop, can't use <call path="//client" if="@{client}">
output :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<copy todir="//PRODUCTION1/share">
  <fileset dir="Sol-e-45-D/somedir" />
     [echo] PRODUCTION1
     [echo] Sol-e-45-D
     [echo] Sol-e-45-D
     [echo] Branding-BLUE
     [echo] Sol-e-45-D
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<copy todir="//PRODUCTION3/share">
  <fileset dir="CONNECTION/somedir" />
     [echo] PRODUCTION3
     [echo] CONNECTION
     [echo] Sol-e-45-D
     [echo] Branding-BLUE
     [echo] Sol-e-45-D

Otherwise when bound to ant <= 1.9.3 you may use antcontrib if task, as you're already have that taskdef in your snippet :

 <isset property="@{client}"/>
   <!-- ... -->

Beware, your antcontrib taskdef definition is wrong !!, the contains only taskdefs for ant < 1.6, declare it like that (assuming antcontrib.jar already on path) :

  <project xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">


or without namespaces :


  <!-- Import AntContrib -->
  <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>

Upvotes: 1

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