
Reputation: 161

How to convert std::stringstream to std::wstring

my question is that how to convert c++ stringstream in wstring or wstringstream

stringstream fileSearch;

here is my code. i want to convert this fileSearch stringstream into wstring... can some one help me please with c++ example code... i want to use this filesearch stringstream in

int numOfFiles(wstring searchPath);

this function...

Upvotes: 3

Views: 20968

Answers (4)

Urvashi Gupta
Urvashi Gupta

Reputation: 444

#include <boost\lexical_cast.hpp>
stringstream ss;    
std::wstring convertedStr = boost::lexical_cast<std::wstring>(ss);

Upvotes: 1

Merav Kochavi
Merav Kochavi

Reputation: 4271

In C++ 11 you can use this as well to convert a stringstream to a wstring:

std::wstring stringStream2wstring(std::stringstream& strs)
    std::string str = strs.str();
    typedef std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t> convert_type;
    std::wstring_convert<convert_type, wchar_t> converter;
    return converter.from_bytes(str);

Note: the example uses std::codecvt_utf8

Upvotes: 2

Merav Kochavi
Merav Kochavi

Reputation: 4271

A short and simple C++ function for converting a stringstream to a wstring:

std::wstring convertToWString(std::stringstream& from)
    std::wstring to;
    string stdString = from.str();
    return to.assign(stdString.begin(), stdString.end());

Note: This code is limited to the ASCII subset of values only

Upvotes: 2

Cheers and hth. - Alf
Cheers and hth. - Alf

Reputation: 145419

The std::stringstream can always be converted to std::string, so the question reduces to how to convert std::string to std::wstring.

If the narrow string encoding points are a subset of the wide string encoding points, then you can simply copy the data over:

const std::string s = ...;
const std::wstring ws( s.begin(), s.end() );

This works for original ASCII and its extension Latin-1 when the wide strings are UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded.

In practice that means that this simple data copying scheme works for:

  • Latin-1 in a Western installation of Windows, because Latin-1 is a subset of Windows ANSI Western.

  • ASCII in other Windows installations and in Unix-land, because the default system narrow encoding is (typically) not an extension of Latin-1.

When the narrow string encoding points are not a subset of the wide string encoding points, some more active conversion must be employed.

The following works when the std::string's encoding is the locale's narrow text encoding, and doesn't contain embedded zero bytes:

#include <iostream>
#include <locale>       // std::locale
#include <locale.h>     // setlocale
#include <stdexcept>    // std::runtime_error
#include <stdlib.h>     // mbstowcs
#include <string>
using namespace std;

auto hopefully( const bool condition ) -> bool { return condition; }
auto fail( const string& message ) -> bool { throw runtime_error( message ); }

auto widened( const string& s, locale const& loc = locale() )
    -> wstring
    const int n = s.length();
    if( n == 0 ) { return L""; }

    const int max_wide_encoding_values = (sizeof( wchar_t ) == 2? 2 : 1);
    wstring ws( max_wide_encoding_values*s.length(), L'\0' );

    const auto n_characters_stored = mbstowcs( &ws[0], &s[0], ws.size() );
    hopefully( n_characters_stored != -1 )
        || fail( "mbstowcs failed" );
    ws.resize( n_characters_stored );
    return ws;

auto operator<<( wostream& stream, const string& s )
    -> wostream&
{ return stream << s.c_str(); }

auto main() -> int
    setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );
    locale::global( locale( "" ) );

    const wstring ws = widened( "Blåbærsyltetøy." );
    for( const wchar_t wc : ws )
        wcout << int( wc ) << ' ';
    wcout << endl;
    wcout << L"Should be 'Blåbærsyltetøy'." << endl;
    wcout << L"Is '" << ws << L"'." << endl;

In Ubuntu (in a VirtualBox in Windows) the output is OK:

alf@devubuntu32:~/host/dev/explore/_/so/0244$ g++ foo.cpp -std=c++11
alf@devubuntu32:~/host/dev/explore/_/so/0244$ ./a.out
66 108 229 98 230 114 115 121 108 116 101 116 248 121 46 
Should be 'Blåbærsyltetøy'.
Is 'Blåbærsyltetøy.'.
alf@devubuntu32:~/host/dev/explore/_/so/0244$ ▯

In Windows it's 1necessary to add some fixup to make the wide stream output work:

#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static const bool _ = []() -> bool
    const int fd = _fileno( stdout );
    _setmode( fd, _isatty( fd )? _O_WTEXT : _O_U8TEXT );
    return true;

Then with Visual C++ in Windows the output is

H:\dev\explore\_\so\0244>cl iofix.cpp foo.cpp /Feb
Generating Code...

66 108 229 98 230 114 115 121 108 116 101 116 248 121 46
Should be 'Blåbærsyltetøy'.
Is 'Blåbærsyltetøy.'.


However, with MinGW g++ in Windows the default output is not OK:

H:\dev\explore\_\so\0244>g++ iofix.cpp foo.cpp

66 108 195 165 98 195 166 114 115 121 108 116 101 116 195 184 121 46
Should be 'Blåbærsyltetøy'.
Is 'Blåbærsyltetøy.'.


And the reason is that the default g++ C++ execution character set is UTF-8, which is not the narrow text encoding specified by the default user's locale in Windows. A simple fix would be to specify the correct execution character set to g++. However, that's only practically possible with distributions of g++ that support those options, and e.g. the Nuwen distribution does not.

1) in Unix-land it worked as-is because the global C++ locale has been set to the user's default locale.

Upvotes: 6

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