Reputation: 13
Trying to make pong and the characters are out of line.
; multi-segment executable file template.
data segment
; add your data here!
game db "±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±";0
db 10,13, " ";1
db 10,13, " ";2
db 10,13, " ";3
db 10,13, " ";4
db 10,13, " ";5
db 10,13, " ";6
db 10,13, " ";7
db 10,13, " ";8
db 10,13, " ";9
db 10,13, " ";A
db 10,13, " ";B
db 10,13, "±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±";C
db 10,13, "Player1: Player2: $";D
;0123456789ABCDEF 18
player1 db ""
db 10, ""
db 10, "$"
player2 db ""
db 10, ""
db 10, "$"
ball db "*$"
Menu db " _____ "
db 10,13, " | __ \ "
db 10,13, " | |__) |___ _ __ __ _ "
db 10,13, " | ___// _ \ | '_ \ / _` |"
db 10,13, " | | | (_) || | | || (_| |"
db 10,13, " |_| \___/ |_| |_| \__, |"
db 10,13, " __/ |"
db 10,13, " |___/ "
db 10,13, "Click HERE to start "
db 10,13, "Player1:W -UP "
db 10,13, " S -DOWN "
db 10,13, "Player2: ON NUMPAD "
db 10,13, " 8 -UP "
db 10,13, " 2 -DOWB $"
player1Score db 0
player2Score db 0
ballx db 0Ch
bally db 06h
player1Y db 6
player2Y db 6
xstart dw 2Fh
xFinal dw 4Dh
ystart dw 40h
yfinal dw 46h
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ch,32;removes cursor
mov ah,1h
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,Menu
int 21h
mov ax,3
int 33h
cmp bx,1
je checkPos
jmp mouse
fresh:;prints new game
mov al,3h
mov ah,0
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,game
int 21h
mov bh,0
mov dh,player1Y
mov dl,03h
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,player1
int 21h
mov bh,0
mov dh,player2Y
mov dl,25h
mov ah,02h
int 10h
mov ah,9
lea dx,player2
int 21h
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
mov al,12h
mov ah,0
int 10h
; Input:
; mov ah,7
; int 21h
; cmp al,'w'
; je inc
; cmp al,'s'
; je down
; cmp al,'8'
; je right
; cmp al,'2'
; je left
; jmp firstInput
; checkWall:
; downRight:
; inc ballY
; inc ballX
mov ax,xstart
cmp cx,ax
jl mouse
mov ax,xfinal
cmp cx,ax
jg mouse
mov ax,yfinal
cmp dx,ax
jg Mouse
mov ax,ystart
cmp dx,ax
jl mouse
jmp fresh
end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.
The code is not finished yet so there is basically nothing.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 363
Reputation: 1686
player1 db ""
db 10, ""
db 10, "$"
causes the ladder view. putting backspace char after each line break may work:
player1 db ""
db 10,8, ""
db 10,8, "$"
Upvotes: 0