Reputation: 39
Firstly, I'm using dojo 1.1.0 and dgrid 0.4.0. I'm creating a page with a few dgrids on it. One grid in particular needs to load JSON data from a url and display it. It currently works fine doing that with a RequestMemory store. however, this is a "memory" store. while this might be trivial for some others, I need to find a way to load the data as it is being done now, and then add a refresh button to the screen that calls the necessary functions/methods to reload the data from the url and repopulate the dgrid.
The JSON data comes from the url formatted like this:
The Require you'll see below actually contains much more than just this grid...hence all the extra.
I have no need to update the local store, nor do I want to monitor the url for changes. I simply want to be able to reload the data from the url on demand.
Here's the code I'm currently using for the initial loading of the grid (working) and the refresh button that I so need to get to work.
require([ 'dojo/store/Observable' ,'dijit/Dialog', 'dijit/form/Select', 'dijit/form/MultiSelect', 'dijit/form/TextBox', 'dijit/layout/TabContainer', 'dijit/layout/ContentPane','dojo/request', 'dojo/request/xhr', 'dijit/form/ToggleButton', 'dijit/form/Button', 'dojo/parser', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dgrid/Grid', 'dgrid/Selection', 'dgrid/Editor', 'dgrid/extensions/ColumnHider', 'dgrid/extensions/Pagination', 'dstore/RequestMemory', 'dijit/form/Select', 'dijit/registry','dojox/data/XmlStore', 'dojo/domReady!'], function (Observable, Dialog, Select, MultiSelect, TextBox, TabContainer, ContentPane, request, xhr, ToggleButton, Button, parser, declare, Grid, Selection, Editor, ColumnHider, Pagination, RequestMemory, Select, registry, XmlStore) {
//workers dgrid
var workersStore = new RequestMemory({ target: '/autoAssign/getWorkers.aa?TASKTYPE=transport&INACTIVE=FALSE' });
var workerGrid = new (declare([ Grid, Selection, Pagination, Editor, ColumnHider ]))({
collection: workersStore,
className: 'dgrid-autoheight',
id: 'workerGrid',
rowsPerPage: 6,
columns: {
name: 'Name',
username: {
label: 'username',
hidden: true
status: 'Status',
assignedNum: 'Assigned',
completedNum: 'Completed',
avgTime: 'Average',
aaOn: {
label: 'Auto Assign',
editor: 'checkbox',
}, 'gridNode');
workerGrid.on("dgrid-datachange",function(evt) {
var row = workerGrid.row(evt);
if ( == 'aaOn') {
var promise = request('/autoAssign/setUserAaStatus.aa?USERNAME=''&TASKTYPE=transport&STATUS='+evt.value);
//Add refresh Button
var addRefreshButton = new Button({
label: "Refresh",
style: 'float:right;',
onClick: function(){
var promise = workersStore.fetch();
var result = promise.then(function(data){
workerGrid.set("collection", workersStore);
alert("refresh pushed");
}, "refresh").startup();
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was previously doing this with Dojo's old datagrid and just can't seem to grasp what I'm missing here.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2957
Reputation: 10559
Technically, to do what you want, you do need to update the local store, in a way. dstore/RequestMemory
is essentially a composition of dstore/Request
and dstore/Cache
, where a single fetch
request is performed immediately and then the caching store fields all future fetch operations. In order to force the store to refresh from the server, you basically need to tell the store that its cache is no longer valid, then re-request all items from the server. This equates to the following:
workersStore.invalidate(); // Invalidate the cache
workersStore.fetch(); // Perform a new request for all items
Once that fetch
is performed, the Cache
store will understand that it can then pull all requests from its in-memory store.
(The fetch
call is important - if you don't call fetch
above, your grid will probably not work as you expect. dgrid's OnDemandGrid and Pagination modules perform ranged queries using fetchRange
, and unless Cache knows it has all of the store's data, it will simply let those pass through to the original store, which in this case is Request, which will try to hit the server - except your service is presumably not equipped to handle ranged queries, so it will just return the entire data set every time.)
Admittedly, I'd argue this is more information than someone using RequestMemory should need to know, so I'm probably going to submit an issue for some sort of API for refreshing and/or updating target
. The 3 lines of code above are the TL;DR though.
Upvotes: 6