Reputation: 1689
I'm receiving the following error message when trying to parse some json:
[info] The future returned an exception of type: spray.httpx.PipelineException, with message:
Vector("eba760a81b177051b0520418b4e10596955adb98196c15367a2467ab66a19b5c", 600, "AN51SPP6iZBHFJ3aux1jtn6MMMD13Gh3t7", 500,
["1BXVXP82f7x9YWdWuCaCYwad8ZoYayyRYt"], "76a91473758c13a91699376abb8fe76931bdd9bdc04ee388ac", false)
(of class scala.collection.immutable.Vector). (AddressUnspentTXORequestTest.scala:14)
and I'm not really sure what that means. Here is the piece of json that I am trying to parse:
"transaction_hash": "eba760a81b177051b0520418b4e10596955adb98196c15367a2467ab66a19b5c",
"output_index": 1,
"value": 600,
"asset_id": "AN51SPP6iZBHFJ3aux1jtn6MMMD13Gh3t7",
"asset_quantity": 500,
"addresses": [
"script_hex": "76a91473758c13a91699376abb8fe76931bdd9bdc04ee388ac",
"spent": false,
"confirmations": 31674
"transaction_hash": "1f9f6224bee8813135aba622693c78a33b3460e4efdb340174f87fdd8c9d4148",
"output_index": 1,
"value": 600,
"asset_id": "AS6tDJJ3oWrcE1Kk3T14mD8q6ycHYVzyYQ",
"asset_quantity": 200000,
"addresses": [
"script_hex": "76a91473758c13a91699376abb8fe76931bdd9bdc04ee388ac",
"spent": false,
"confirmations": 35895
and here is the case class that I am trying to parse it into:
case class UnspentTXO(transaction_hash: String, output_index: Int, value: Long,
asset_id: Option[String], asset_quantity: Option[Long], addresses: List[BitcoinAddress],
script_hex: String, spent: Boolean)
The method initiating the request is here :
def getUnspentTXOs(address: Address): Future[List[UnspentTXO]] = {
val pipeline: HttpRequest => Future[List[UnspentTXO]] =
sendReceive ~> unmarshal[List[UnspentTXO]]
pipeline(Get(host + path + address.value + "/unspents"))
and finally this is how I am parsing that Json Request:
override def read(value: JsValue): UnspentTXO = {
val Seq(transaction_hash, output_index, locked_satoshies, asset_id, asset_quantity, addresses, script_hex, spent) =
value.asJsObject.getFields("transaction_hash", "value", "asset_id", "asset_quantity", "addresses", "script_hex", "spent")
val assetId = asset_id match {
case JsString(s) => Some(s)
case JsNull => None
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Asset id should be of type JsString or JsNull, got something else")
val assetQuantity = asset_quantity match {
case JsNumber(n) => Some(n.toLong)
case JsNull => None
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Asset quantity should be JsNull or a JsNumber")
// convert JsArray to List[ BitcoinAdress ]
val addressList = addresses match {
case ja: JsArray => { e => BitcoinAddress(e.convertTo[String]))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("address list should be of type JsArray, got something else")
UnspentTXO(transaction_hash.convertTo[String], output_index.convertTo[Int], locked_satoshies.convertTo[Long],
assetId, assetQuantity, addressList,
script_hex.convertTo[String], spent.convertTo[Boolean])
I think the problem might be that the request is returning a json array instead of just a JSON object, so I am not sure if I am handling that correctly inside of my getUnspentTXOs
. The error message seems to be very vague. It seems that spray is trying to wrap the json fields inside of a Vector
instead of inside of a UnspentTXO
case class. I'm not sure of why this is happening though.
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Views: 710
Reputation: 13985
You can not just call convertTo[ Option[ Long ] ]
and convertTo[ List [ BitcointAddress ] ]
This is how convertTo
is defined,
def convertTo[T :JsonReader]: T = jsonReader[T].read(this)
Which means... only types T
for which an implicit
evidence of typeclass
JsonReader[ T ]
is available can be used with convertTo
Unless you provide appropriate implicit typeclass
evidence, you will have to specially handle few cases.
Other than this, spray-json
is just too minimalistic... so that so JsObject
is just a wrapper on top of Map[ String, JsValue]
and getFields
is defined as,
def getFields(fieldNames: String*): immutable.Seq[JsValue] =
Which means... it will just ignore asked fields which are not present in them map, and only return a sequence of JsValue
's corresponding to the asked fields which are present.
Hence optional values have to be checked to be present in the map. Or we will have to pattern-match for each possible case ( which can result in a lot of cases).
override def read(value: JsValue): UnspentTXO = {
val jsObject = value.asJsObject
// get only non-optional values here
val Seq( transaction_hash, output_index, locked_satoshies, addresses,
script_hex, spent ) =
jsObject.getFields( "transaction_hash", "output_index", "value", "addresses", "script_hex", "spent" )
// Assuming you have imported spray.json._, simple types will work.
// have to handle options differently
// or 2 optional values would mean 4 patterns-matchings of sequences like above.
// jsObject.fields is just a Map[ String, JsValue ]
val assetId = jsObject.fields.get( "asset_id" ) match {
case Some( JsString( s ) ) => Some( s )
case None => None
val assetQuantity = jsObject.fields.get( "asset_quantity" ) match {
case Some( JsNumber( n ) ) => Some( n.toLong )
case None => None
// convert JsArray to List[ BitcoinAdress ]
val addressList = addresses match {
case ja : JsArray => { BitcoinAddress( _.convertTo[ String ] ) )
UnspentTXO( transaction_hash.convertTo[ String ], output_index.convertTo[ Int ],
locked_satoshies.convertTo[ Long ], assetId, assetQuantity,
addressList, script_hex.convertTo[ String ], spent.convertTo[ Boolean ] )
Another way to get convertTo[ Option[ T ] ]
and convertTo[ List[ T ] ]
working is by importing spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
which provides json-formats for most generally used types. But even then, you must have an implicit
evidence of typeclass JsonReader[ T ]
in your scope.
Upvotes: 2