Reputation: 96
I have a string:
"a + b - (2.5 * d / 2) < f > g >= h <= (i == j)"
Currently I've :
String[] ops = str.split("\\s*[a-zA-Z]+\\s*");
String[] notops = str.split("\\s*[^a-zA-Z]+\\s*");
String[] res = new String[ops.length+notops.length-1];
for(int i=0; i<res.length; i++) res[i] = i%2==0 ? notops[i/2] : ops[i/2+1];
But this doesn't handle brackets. And also it separates out operators and values, but I want single regex which will split above expression like this:
[a, +, b, -, (, 2.5, *, d, /, 2, ), <, f, >, g, >=, h, <=, (, i, ==, j, )]
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1299
Reputation: 36743
I think this might be easier to express as the tokens you're trying to extract rather than a split regex.
String input = "-9 + a + b - (2.5 * d / 2) < f > g >= h <= (i == j) && (foo || bar)";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("-?[0-9.]+|[A-Za-z]+|[-+*/()]|==|<=|>=|&&|[|]{2}");
Matcher match = pattern.matcher(input);
List<String> actual = new ArrayList<String>();
while (match.find()) {
This gives you the result you're after
[-9, +, a, +, b, -, (, 2.5, *, d, /, 2, ), f, g, >=, h, <=, (, i, ==, j, ), &&, (, foo, ||, bar, )]
Upvotes: 4