Reputation: 5081
I'm pretty sure this is a trap for new Ada people. I feel there is something simple needed to get this right. I have some older code with the declaration for a Send_Command procedure with a Command_String_Type type parameter based on the Ada.Strings.Bounded generic module.
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- nothing relevant, Send_command is/was internal to module.
-- -- -- command.adb -- -- --
-- Type to hold command to send while it is being constructed.
package Command_String_Type is
new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max => Command_Max);
procedure Send_Command(
Command_String : in Command_String_Type.Bounded_String );
This: Command_String_Type is used as the parameter type for the Send_Command procedure this module must export from this module.
My trouble comes when I attempt to declare the Command_String_Type in the modules specification (.ads) file. I can't get the syntax straight to 'export' this type specification for this procedure.
-- -- -- -- -- --
package Command_Interface is
Command_Max : constant := 200;
-- WANTED ... export Command_String_Type from this module
-- Type to hold command to send while it is being constructed.
package Command_String_Type is
new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length(Max => Command_Max);
procedure Send_Command(
Command_String : in Command_String_Type.Bounded_String );
end Command_Interface; -- specification
-- -- -- command_interface.adb -- -- --
package body Command_Interface is
procedure Send_Command(
Command_String : in Command_String_Type.Bounded_String )
-- implementation ...
end Send_Command;
end Command_Interface; --package
Naturally enough the Ada-95 compiler wants a "Command_String_Type" as shown above. Wanted to put the Send_Command procedure in the command_interface package. And export that for other modules to use. This procedure depends on the Command_String_Type
So far I'm none for five. I've been reading books and looking at training notes, I'm disappointed I can't find some example that 'exports' a string type from a bounded string -- I'm still looking, of course, however I'm beginning to wonder if what I think of as straightforward as it would be in other languages. Is this possible and permitted with Ada. Gratitude in advance for your suggestions.
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Views: 308
Reputation: 25511
The spec you propose looks fine:
with Ada.Strings.Bounded;
package Command_Interface is
Command_Max : constant := 200;
package Command_String_Type is
new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (Max => Command_Max);
procedure Send_Command
(Command_String : in Command_String_Type.Bounded_String);
end Command_Interface;
and so does the body (this is a demo, of course):
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body Command_Interface is
procedure Send_Command
(Command_String : in Command_String_Type.Bounded_String) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Command_String_Type.To_String (Command_String));
end Send_Command;
end Command_Interface;
and now we come to use it. You’ve created the package Command_String_Type
in the visible part of Command_Interface
, so you can reference it as Command_Interface.Command_String_Type
with Command_Interface;
procedure Check_Command_Interface is
(Command_Interface.Command_String_Type.To_Bounded_String ("hello!"));
end Check_Command_Interface;
You might think this is all getting a bit verbose. You could shorten the instantiation’s name, e.g.
package Command is
new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (Max => Command_Max);
or you could use the package renaming trick near the call,
procedure Check_Command_Interface_2 is
package CICST renames Command_Interface.Command_String_Type;
Command_Interface.Send_Command (CICST.To_Bounded_String ("hello!"));
end Check_Command_Interface_2;
or you could go overboard and use
procedure Check_Command_Interface_3 is
use Command_Interface.Command_String_Type;
Command_Interface.Send_Command (To_Bounded_String ("hello!"));
end Check_Command_Interface_3;
Upvotes: 3