Reputation: 1345
I want to read files written using the Mathematica function 'Save'. Inside, their are expressions that I would like to translate in lua.
For example: mathematica -> lua
foo[bar_]:= a*bar + b -> function foo(bar) return a*bar + b end
foo[bar_]= a*bar + b -> foo[bar] = a*bar + b
foo = N[bar] -> foo = bar
Pi or \[Pi] or -> math.pi
-7.809692029744407*^-8 -> -7.809692029744407e-8
2.7067*^-8 + 2.268*^-8*I -> 2.7067e-8 + 2.268e-8*math.i
This is not necessarily a hard problem, I just have to learn the lua regular expressions. But their is a lot of cases (not mentioned above) to take into account and I do not want to "reinvent the wheel". Maybe I should, you would say...
But anyways, is there a lua library or a project devoted to that?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 310
Reputation: 31850
I wrote a translator that can convert a subset of Mathematica into Lua and several other languages.
It's still a work-in-progress, but it can already translate simple Mathematica functions like this one:
doSomething[a_,b_] :=
(a = a + 1;a),a-1]
This is the output for this function in Lua:
function doSomething(a,b)
if a<3 then
return a
return a-1
I am also planning to write a translator that will convert a subset of Mathematica into symmath-lua notation.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 735
I don't know of something already done in that direction but I would recommend you consider building a Mathematica to Lua translator in Mathematica, something like a "LuaForm" saving its output to a text file. It would use existing bricks such as FortranForm / CForm to convert basic expressions (such as numbers and algebraic combinations of variables) and you could add new rules as you make use of additional Mathematica features.
CForm /@ {Pi, \[Pi], a b+3x, -7.809692029744407*^-8, 2.7067*^-8 + 2.268*^-8*I}
{Pi,Pi,a*b + 3*x,-7.809692029744407e-8,Complex(2.7067e-8,2.268e-8)}
I have done similar code in the past (for other target languages) with satisfactory results.
Upvotes: 4