Reputation: 50338
Is there a way to tell sbt to package all needed libraries (scala-library.jar) into the main package, so it is stand-alone? (static?)
Upvotes: 23
Views: 12231
Reputation: 6119
The simplest method is just to create the jar from the command line. If you don't know how to do this I would highly recommend that you do so. Automation is useful, but its much better if you know what the automation is doing.
The easiest way to automate the creation of a runnable jar is to use a bash script or batch script in windows.
The simplest way in sbt is just to add the Scala libraries you need to the resource directories:
unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile := Seq(file("/sdat/bins/ScalaCurrent/lib/scalaClasses"))
So in my environment ScalaCurrent is a link to the current Scala library. 2.11.4 at the time of writing. The key point is that I extract the Scala library but place it inside a ScalaClassses directory. Each extracted library needs to go into its top level directory.
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Reputation: 496
The simplest example using sbt-assembly
Create directory project in your home project dir with file assembly.sbt including
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.11.2")
In file build.sbt
import AssemblyKeys._ // put this at the top of the file
jarName += "Mmyjarnameall.jar"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "exmpleofmydependency % "mydep" % "0.1" )
mergeStrategy in assembly <<= (mergeStrategy in assembly) { (old) =>
case s if s.endsWith(".class") => MergeStrategy.last
case s if s.endsWith("pom.xml") => MergeStrategy.last
case s if s.endsWith("") => MergeStrategy.last
case x => old(x)
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Reputation: 1329162
Edit 2011:
Since then, retronym (which posted an answer in this page back in 2010), made this sbt-plugin "sbt-onejar", now in its new address on GitHub, with docs updated for SBT 0.12.
Packages your project using One-JAR™
is a simple-build-tool plugin for building a single executable JAR containing all your code and dependencies as nested JARs.
Currently One-JAR version 0.9.7 is used. This is included with the plugin, and need not be separately downloaded.
Original answer:
Directly, this is not possible without extending sbt (a custom action after the model of the "package" sbt action).
GitHub mentions an assembly task, custom made for jetty deployment. You could adapt it for your need though.
The code is pretty generic (from this post, and user Rio):
project / build / AssemblyProject.scala
import sbt._
trait AssemblyProject extends BasicScalaProject
def assemblyExclude(base: PathFinder) = base / "META-INF" ** "*"
def assemblyOutputPath = outputPath / assemblyJarName
def assemblyJarName = artifactID + "-assembly-" + version + ".jar"
def assemblyTemporaryPath = outputPath / "assembly-libs"
def assemblyClasspath = runClasspath
def assemblyExtraJars = mainDependencies.scalaJars
def assemblyPaths(tempDir: Path, classpath: PathFinder, extraJars: PathFinder, exclude: PathFinder => PathFinder) =
val (libs, directories) = classpath.get.toList.partition(ClasspathUtilities.isArchive)
for(jar <- extraJars.get ++ libs) FileUtilities.unzip(jar, tempDir, log).left.foreach(error)
val base = (Path.lazyPathFinder(tempDir :: directories) ##)
(descendents(base, "*") --- exclude(base)).get
lazy val assembly = assemblyTask(assemblyTemporaryPath, assemblyClasspath, assemblyExtraJars, assemblyExclude) dependsOn(compile)
def assemblyTask(tempDir: Path, classpath: PathFinder, extraJars: PathFinder, exclude: PathFinder => PathFinder) =
packageTask(Path.lazyPathFinder(assemblyPaths(tempDir, classpath, extraJars, exclude)), assemblyOutputPath, packageOptions)
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 3724
Working off of what @retronym offered above, I built a simple example that builds a stand alone jar which includes the Scala libraries (i.e. scala-library.jar) using Proguard with sbt. Thanks, retronym.
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Reputation: 55028
It takes a bit of work, but you can also use Proguard from within SBT to create a standalone JAR.
I did this recently in the SBT build for Scalala.
Upvotes: 6