Reputation: 337
Will MarkLogic apply reasoning when triples are queried using sem:sparql against a selected set of stores?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 139
Reputation: 463
If you have established some relationships among triples and try to fetch results using a ruleset then it will Marklogic definitely apply reasoning while performing search.
For Example i created the following triple
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX prod: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
prod:1001 rdf:type ex:Apple;
prod:1002 rdf:type ex:Fruit;
Now if you search for all the subjects which are of type apple it will only give you prod:1002
And now establish a relationship among them as
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
ex:Apple rdfs:subClassOf ex:Fruit .
and set the default ruleset of your database to subClassOf.rules and then run the same query
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?product
?product rdf:type ex:Fruit
Now it will return you both prod:1001 and prod:1002
also for further details you can visit the marklogic documentation which has a very good description of inferencing.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8422
Alex, take a look at Choosing Rulesets for Queries. You'll see an example there where a SPARQL query is applied to a store of triples resulting from applying two sets of inference rules to a set of triples. If you modify that example slightly, it shows a SPARQL query applied to running inference on all triples in the triples index, which includes embedded triples.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace sem = ""
at "/MarkLogic/semantics.xqy";
PREFIX skos: <>
sem:sparql("select * { ?c a skos:Concept; rdfs:label ?l }",(),(),
("subClassOf.rules", "subPropertyOf.rules"),
Upvotes: 4