Reputation: 2655
I have this method
METHOD get_flights_range.
DATA ls_flight TYPE sflight.
CALL METHOD check_authority
iv_carrid = iv_carrid
iv_activity = gc_auth_display.
SELECT carrid connid fldate seatsmax seatsocc
FROM sflight
INTO TABLE et_flights
WHERE carrid = iv_carrid
AND connid IN it_connid.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_bcuser_no_data.
SORT et_flights BY percentage.
LOOP AT et_flights INTO ls_flight.
ls_flight-percentage = ls_flight-seatsocc / ls_flight-seatsmax * 100.
MODIFY et_flights
FROM ls_flight
INDEX sy-tabix
TRANSPORTING percentage.
SORT et_flights BY percentage DESCENDING.
and when I try to check it displays this error:
Should I declare et_flights as an internal table? --this is a class from the example Flight Model in NetWeaver.
Can someone help me with this?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 22784
Reputation: 21
Try this:
types : begin of Zflight ,
Carrid like sflight-carrid ,
connid like sflight-connid ,
fldate like sflight-fldate ,
seatmax like sflight-seatmax ,
seatsocc like sflight-seatsocc ,
end of zflight .
data : et_flights type table zflight .
SELECT carrid connid fldate seatsmax seatsocc
FROM sflight
INTO TABLE et_flights
WHERE carrid = iv_carrid
AND connid IN it_connid.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10524
You probably defined the et_flights
parameter as of type SFLIGHT
. This type is a structure type even though it defines the transparent table SFLIGHT
at the same time. I agree that this might be a little bit confusing for a rookie.
For et_flights
use an already available dictionary table type with row structure of SFLIGHT
, for example FLIGHTTAB
If you are projecting just a subset of the attributes from SFLIGHT
you will have to use INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE et_flights
in place of INTO TABLE et_flights
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 5554
I don't see all of your code but yes, you shoud declare it. You could declare it inside the method, in the class definition as a private member of the class or as a return value of the method.
If you decide to make it as a return value you must declare a type first in the class definition or outside of it, like this;
class myclass definition.
public section.
types ty_mytable type standard table of sflight.
methods mymethod exporting mydata type ty_mytable.
class myclass implementation.
method mymethod.
select * from sflight into table mydata.
Hope it helps.
Upvotes: 1