Reputation: 76
I'm trying to recreate fairly standard image / file upload functionality whereby a given field allows the uploading of one or more files / images with something like an "add another file" button and/or the ability to replace existing files.
I have file uploads working and I have multiple subforms working, but I can't get multiple subforms working with file input.
I have created an example (shown below) heavily based on examples/dynamic-list.hs which highlights the problem, which appears to be that postForm returns an appropriate FilePath in the view but does not return it in the "result".
Another problem with dynamic-list.hs is that it only shows a trivial use case using static data. Having an actual dynamic form where the data changes in response to user input is significantly more complicated, so I'm hoping that I can hammer out a more comprehensive version of dynamic-list.hs which would be (much) more helpful to beginners.
My code so far:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports, TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Handler.Test where
import Prelude hiding (div, span)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text hiding (unlines, intercalate, concat)
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Snap.Core hiding (method)
import Snap.Snaplet
import Heist.Splices.Html
import Text.Digestive
import Text.Digestive.Snap
import Text.Digestive.Heist
import Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import Text.Digestive.Blaze.Html5 as DH
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Text.Digestive.Form
import Text.Digestive.Util
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.XmlHtml
import Data.List as L
import Application
import Helpers.Forms
import Helpers.Theme
import Debug.Trace
handleEntityTest :: Handler App App ()
handleEntityTest = undefined
type Product = Text
type Quantity = Int
data Order = Order {
orderName :: Text
, orderItems :: [OrderItem]
} deriving (Show)
data OrderItem = OrderItem
{ orderProduct :: Text
, orderQuantity :: Quantity
, orderFile :: Maybe FilePath
} deriving (Show)
orderForm :: Monad m => Order -> Form Html m Order
orderForm order = Order
<$> "orderName" .: text (Just $ orderName order)
<*> "orderItems" .: listOf orderItemForm (Just $ orderItems order)
orderItemForm :: Monad m => Formlet Html m OrderItem
orderItemForm def = OrderItem
<$> "product" .: text (orderProduct <$> def)
<*> "quantity" .: stringRead "Can't parse quantity" (orderQuantity <$> def)
<*> "file" .: file
orderView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
orderView view = do
DH.form view "" $ do
DH.label "name" view "Order name: "
DH.inputText "orderName" view
DH.label "orderItems.indices" view "(Usually hidden) Indices: "
DH.inputText "orderItems.indices" view
mapM_ orderItemView $ listSubViews "orderItems" view
DH.inputSubmit "Submit"
orderItemView :: View H.Html -> H.Html
orderItemView view = do
childErrorList "" view
DH.label "product" view "Product: "
DH.inputText "product" view
DH.label "quantity" view "Quantity: "
DH.inputText "quantity" view
DH.label "file" view "file"
DH.inputFile "file" view
handleTest :: Handler App App ()
handleTest = do
r <- runFormWith defaultFormConfig "test" $ orderForm $ Order "test form" [(OrderItem "" 0 Nothing)]
case r of
(view, Nothing) -> do
-- GET
renderPageHtml "Initial form view" $ toHtml $ orderView $ debugForm view
(view, Just order) -> do
s <- runFormWith (defaultFormConfig { method = Just Get }) "test" $ orderForm $ order {orderItems = ((orderItems order) ++ [(OrderItem "" 0 Nothing)]) }
case s of
(view', Nothing) -> do
renderPageHtml "Subsequent form view" $ html
html = do
p $ do
mapM_ div [ br, br, br
, orderView $ debugForm view'
, toHtml $ show order
(view', Just order) -> do
renderPageHtml "Subsequent form view" $ p "This shouldn't ever happen"
debugForm :: View Html -> View Html
debugForm v = trace (t) v
showTuple (path,input) = ("path : " ++ (show path) ++ "=" ++ (show input))
t = unlines $ [
(""), ("")
, ("viewName : " ++ (unpack $ viewName v) )
, ("viewMethod : " ++ (show $ viewMethod v) )
, ("viewContext : " ++ (show $ viewContext v) )
--, ("viewInput : " ++ (unlines $ fmap (\(path, input) -> (show path) ++ "=" ++ (show input) ) $ viewInput v ))
, ("viewInput : " ++ (unlines $ fmap showTuple $ viewInput v ))
, ("debugViews : " ++ (unlines $ fmap show $ debugViewPaths v) )
Upvotes: 3
Views: 187