Reputation: 365
I'm new to assembly and am trying to create replicate the folium of descartes (x^3 + y^3 - 3*axy = 0 where a=12). I have the code done and when i compile and link, i get no error. Im using TASM through DOSBox 0.74 on a win8 64-bit. But when i try to execute the folium.exe file though the DOSBox, i get lines of random characters with it saying unable to open file in the center of the random characters. I dont know why such is happening, it should show '0' or ' ' according to my code. Either im assembling wrong or something is wrong in my code that im not aware of.
In DOSBox 0.74, i simply type TASM folium.asm
, then LINK folium
and then folium
to execute. Thats the way i did it for my other code and it worked.
title folium.asm ; draws the loop in a cubic curve called the folium of Descartes, defined by x^3 + y^3 - 3*a*x*y = 0, where a = 12
.model small
.stack 100h
x dw ?
y dw ?
z dw ?
main proc
; initialize DS
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax
; y := 0;
mov y, 0
while01: ; y <= 20
cmp y, 20
jnle endwhile01
; do01
; x := 0
mov x, 0
while02: ; x <= 20
cmp x, 20
jnle endwhile02
; do01
; z := x*x*x + y*y*y - 36*x*6
mov ax, x
imul x
imul x
mov z, ax
mov ax, y
imul y
imul y
add z, ax
mov ax, 36
imul x
mov bx, ax
mov ax, 6
imul bx
sub z, ax
; if01 z <= 0
cmp x, 0
jnle else01
; write '0'
mov ah, dispstr
mov dx, offset '0'
int dosfunc
jmp endif01
; write ' '
mov ah, dispstr
mov dx, offset ' '
int dosfunc
; x := x + 1;
inc x
jmp while02
; write cr, lf
mov ah, wrchr
mov dl, cr
int dosfunc
mov dl, lf
int dosfunc
; y := y + 1
inc y
jmp while01
; return -- to DOS
mov ah, ret2dos
int dosfunc
main endp
end main
Upvotes: 1
Views: 205
Reputation: 58324
If dispstr
is DOS function 09h
then it requires the pointer to a string in memory where that string is terminated by a dollar sign ($
). You can't just load offset ' '
or offset '0'
into dx
, as x86 assembly doesn't implicity generate an address which points to a string. Instead, it's going to take the ASCII value of ' '
or '0'
and load that as an address, which points at some odd place in memory, and thus the strange output you're seeing.
If you want to print a single character, you should just use DOS function 02h
mov ah, wrchr
mov dl, '0'
int dosfunc
This sequence also looks suspicious. It's not clear that the DOS interrupt 21h
will preserve the value of ah
mov ah, wrchr
mov dl, cr
int dosfunc
mov dl, lf
int dosfunc
So it would be safer to reload it:
mov ah, wrchr
mov dl, cr
int dosfunc
mov ah, wrchr
mov dl, lf
int dosfunc
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 14409
mov dx, offset '0'
and mov dx, offset ' '
don't produce a string nor an offset to a string. TASM replaces '0' just with the ASCII code (30h), so the instruction will be mov dx, 30h
and at DS:0030h is no '0'.
I don't know
. I guess there are defines like:
dosfunc = 21h
ret2dos = 4Ch
dispstr = 09h
wrchr = 02h
cr = 0Dh
lf = 0Ah
The MSDOS function Int 21h / AH=09h
(mov ah, dispstr; int dosfunc
) expects in DX
the offset to an ASCII string which is '$'-terminated. Don't forget the '$', else the output won't stop!
Insert into the .data
zero db '0$'
space db ' $'
mov dx, offset '0'
mov dx, offset zero
mov dx, offset ' '
mov dx, offset space
Upvotes: 2