Reputation: 335
I have this project using batch file.My code below can count characters when user type inputs (numbers, letters, symbols),but i want the program count only letters. Can you help me out with this problem. My code is shown below.
REM Set "string" variable
SET /p string="Type characters to Count:"
REM Set the value of temporary variable to the value of "string" variable
SET temp_str=%string%
REM Initialize counter
SET str_len=1
if defined temp_str (
REM Remove the first character from the temporary string variable and increment
REM counter by 1. Countinue to loop until the value of temp_str is empty string.
SET temp_str=%temp_str:~1%
SET /A str_len += 1
GOTO loop
REM Echo the actual string value and its length.
ECHO %string% is %str_len% characters long!
set /p prompt="Do you want to continue?Y/N:"
if %prompt%==Y goto a
goto b
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2470
Reputation: 70923
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
REM Set "string" variable
set "string="
SET /p "string=Type characters to Count:"
if not defined string ( set "str_len=0" ) else (
for /f %%a in ('
cmd /u /v /q /c"(echo(!string!)" %= output unicode string =%
^| find /v "" %= separate lines =%
^| findstr /r /c:"[a-zA-Z]" %= filter characters =%
^| find /c /v "" %= count remaining lines =%
') do set "str_len=%%a"
REM Echo the actual string value and its length.
ECHO [%string%] is %str_len% letters long!
set /p "prompt=Do you want to continue? Y/n: " || set "prompt=Y"
if /i "%prompt%"=="Y" goto :getString
exit /b
This uses a simple trick. If we start a unicode cmd instance, its output (the result from echo
in this case) is unicode, that is, two bytes per character, usually a null and the real character.
This output is processed by a filter, more
or find
, that will process the nulls as line terminators, splitting the output string into lines, one line for each input character.
This set of lines are filtered with findstr
to only allow letters. The remaining lines are counted with a find /c /v ""
command that will count non empty lines.
edited to adapt to comments.
Input a block of lines and process them
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "tempFile=%temp%\%random%%random%%random%.tmp"
echo(Please, type your text and end input pressing F6 and Enter
copy con "%tempfile%" >nul 2>nul
for /f %%a in ('
cmd /u /q /c"(type "%tempFile%")" %= output unicode string =%
^| find /v "" %= separate lines =%
^| findstr /r /c:"[a-zA-Z]" %= filter characters =%
^| find /c /v "" %= count remaining lines =%
') do set "str_len=%%a"
ECHO input data is %str_len% letters long!
del /q "%tempFile%" 2>nul
set /p "prompt=Do you want to continue? Y/n: " || set "prompt=Y"
if /i "%prompt%"=="Y" goto :getString
exit /b
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 67216
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Define a string with all letters:
REM Set "string" variable
SET /p string="Type characters to Count:"
REM Set the value of temporary variable to the value of "string" variable
SET temp_str=%string%
REM Initialize counter
SET str_letters=0
if defined temp_str (
REM Get the first character from temporary string variable
SET char=%temp_str:~0,1%
REM If the character is letter, count it
if "!letters:%char%=!" neq "%letters%" SET /A str_letters += 1
REM Remove the first character from the temporary string variable.
REM Countinue to loop until the value of temp_str is empty string.
SET temp_str=%temp_str:~1%
GOTO loop
REM Echo the actual string value and its number of letters.
ECHO %string% have %str_letters% letters
set /p prompt="Do you want to continue?Y/N:"
if %prompt%==Y goto a
goto b
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5281
You are setting initial string length to 1 in line
SET str_len=1
change it to 0 like so:
SET str_len=0
Upvotes: 0