I have just installed virtualenvwrapper by it documentation site and from link but on running command-
workon <vir.Env.Name>
i am getting the following error-
workon: command not found
The list of commands i used to install are-
sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv
sudo aptitude install python-dev
mkdir mydjangoapp
cd mydjangoapp/
virtualenv --no-site-packages mydjangoappvenv
virtualenv --no-site-packages jango
source jango/bin/activate
pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
pip install --install-option="--user" virtualenvwrapper
cat >> ~/.bash_profile
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/directory-you-do-development-in
source /usr/local/bin/
I guess my virtualenvwrapper is not installed. Plz anybody can tell whats the problem.Also tell me what is .bash file and where it is found in our file directory.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3585
I think you may have installed virtualenvwrapper inside any virtual enviroment like this-
rahul@rahulpc:~/mydjangoapp$ source jango/bin/activate
(jango)rahul@rahulpc:~/mydjangoapp$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
So before installing virtualenvwrapper you have to deactivate virtual enviroment.
(jango)rahul@rahulpc:~/mydjangoapp$ deactivate
rahul@rahulpc:~/mydjangoapp$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
now follow all further steps.
Upvotes: 2