Reputation: 391
I have been trying to do some formatting of date/time values to make them display as string literals in the result. I am using Jena ARQ from apache-jena-2.11.0 .
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?activity ?agent ?time ?time (YEAR(?time) as ?year ) WHERE {
?activity prov:endedAtTime ?time ;
prov:wasAssociatedWith ?agent .
ARQ reports the date time as
"2015-02-20T13:07:53+00:00:00"^^<xsd:dateTime> to me.
This is how the property looks in RDF as a TTL :
"2014-08-04T15:35:09+01:00:00"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
This was created with the following use of the Jena API:
model.createTypedLiteral(date, "xsd:dateTime"));
Maybe I am using the API wrong?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 351
Reputation: 16700
Yes, Jena supports all the SPARQL 1.1 functions.
You have having problems because
is not a datetime.
is a completely different URI, URI scheme name "xsd".
Upvotes: 2