Reputation: 125
I have an 'map' entity with fields 'latitude' and 'longitude'. These fields are completed from this jQuery plugin adapted.
While generating a Symfony2 standard CRUD works perfect (obviously modifying the default generated code) in sonata admin I can not integrate it. I have some problems with the template inheritance and with the template variables.
My plan is insert this admin in another EntityAdmin inline but I can not do it even for a single entity (MapAdmin for this case)
this is my MapAdmin
namespace Acme\MapBundle\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
class MapAdmin extends Admin {
// Fields to be shown on create/edit forms
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper) {
->add('descripcion', 'acme_map')
->add('latitude', 'acme_map')
->add('longitude', 'acme_map')
->add('zoom', 'acme_map')
protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagridMapper) {
->add('descripcion', null, array('label' => 'Mapa'))
// Fields to be shown on lists
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper) {
public function getFormTheme() {
return array_merge(
parent::getFormTheme(), array(
...My registered as service form type... (alias: acme_map)
namespace Acme\PlacesBundle\Form\Type;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
class MapType extends AbstractType {
public function getParent()
return 'text';
* @return string
public function getName() {
return 'acme_map';
...And my twig template
{% extends '::SonataAdminBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ parent() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/jquery-gmaps-latlon-picker.css') }}"/>
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }} #}
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery-gmaps-latlon-picker.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% block acme_map_widget %}
<fieldset class="gllpLatlonPicker" id="custom_id">
{# <input type="text" class="gllpSearchField"/> #}
{{ form_errors(form.busqueda) }}
{{ form_widget(form.busqueda) }}
<input type="button" class="gllpSearchButton" value="search"/>
<div class="gllpMap">Google Maps</div>
{# <input type="text" disabled class="gllpLatitude" value="-20"/> #}
{{ form_errors(form.latitude) }}
{{ form_widget(form.latitude) }}
{# <input type="text" disabled class="gllpLongitude" value="-30"/> #}
{{ form_errors(form.longitude) }}
{{ form_widget(form.longitude) }}
{#<input type="text" disabled class="gllpZoom" value="13"/>#}
{{ form_errors(form.zoom) }}
{{ form_widget(form.zoom) }}
{% endblock %}
The errors are:
Template "SonataAdminBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig" cannot be used as a trait in AcmePlacesBundle:Mapa:admincreate.html.twig at line 1.
and i dont know how access to the fields cariables defined in MapAdmin.php in the twig template. {{ form.latitude }} don't work
Help Please!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2284
Reputation: 2206
You can't use extends in your custom template, extends only support single inheritance. The template form_admin_fields.html.twig of SonataAdmin already uses extends, so you must change extends by use in your twig template :
{% use '::SonataAdminBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig' %}
You should be able to access your form variables with {{ form.latitude }}.
For some reason the use doesn't work, to fix this you have to do simply :
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:Form:form_admin_fields.html.twig' %}
Your custom form will be used when you use your new type (acme_map).
Upvotes: 2