Reputation: 1
I need to write my HDF5 datasets to one HDF5 file in parallel and I want to create my file just with one thread and to do this I can use if statements like:
if( currentThread == 0)
createHDF5File( );
But I don't know which thread will come first. For example, when thread 1 comes first then it tries to write a dataset to a non-existing file. Is there any way to select the first thread? Or is there any better way to do this?
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Views: 717
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It sounds like you really should be using parallel IO with HDF5. HDF5 is capable of using MPI-IO (under the hood), if you built it with parallel support.
Here's a sample program (in Fortran).
! Program to use MPI_Cart and Parallel HDF5
program hdf_pwrite
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double
use mpi
use hdf5
use kinds, only : r_dp
implicit none
! external interface
subroutine get_walltime(t) &
bind(c, name="get_walltime")
import :: c_double
real(kind=c_double), intent(out) :: t
end subroutine get_walltime
end interface
! Local 4000x4000 with a 1x1 halo
integer, parameter :: ndims = 2
integer, parameter :: N = 4000
integer, parameter :: halo = 1
integer :: argc ! Command line args
integer :: ierr ! Error status
integer :: id ! My rank/ID
integer :: np ! Number of processors
integer :: iunit ! File descriptor
integer :: i,j ! Loop indexers
integer :: total ! Total dimension size
integer :: lcount ! Luster count size
integer :: lsize ! Lustre stripe size
character(len=1024) :: clcount, clsize ! Strings of LFS
integer :: info ! MPI IO Info
integer :: m_dims(ndims) ! MPI cart dims
integer :: coords(ndims) ! Co-ords of procs in the grid
logical :: is_periodic(ndims) ! Periodic boundary conditions
logical :: reorder ! Reorder the MPI structure
integer :: MPI_COMM_2D ! New communicator
integer(KIND=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: offset
character(len=1024) :: filename
integer(kind=hid_t) :: p_id, f_id, x_id, d_id
integer(kind=hid_t) :: memspace, filespace
! Local hyper slab info
integer(kind=hsize_t) :: d_size(ndims), s_size(ndims), h_size(ndims),&
stride(ndims), block(ndims)
! Global hyper slab info
integer(kind=hsize_t) :: g_size(ndims), g_start(ndims)
real(kind=r_dp), allocatable :: ld(:,:)
! Timing vars
real(kind=r_dp) :: s, e, dt, mdt
argc = 0
ierr = 0
offset = 0
m_dims = (/ 0, 0/)
is_periodic = .false. ! Non-periodic
reorder = .false. ! Not allowed to reorder
call mpi_init(ierr)
! Set up the MPI cartesian topology
call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, np, ierr)
call mpi_dims_create(np, ndims, m_dims, ierr)
call mpi_cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ndims, m_dims, is_periodic, &
reorder, MPI_COMM_2D, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_2D, id, ierr)
call mpi_cart_coords(MPI_COMM_2D, id, ndims, coords, ierr)
if (id .eq. 0) then
if (mod(N,np) .ne. 0) then
write(0,*) 'Must use divisiable number of procs.'
call mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, ierr)
! get the filename
argc = iargc()
if (argc .lt. 1 ) then
write(0, *) 'Must supply a filename'
call exit(1)
call get_command_argument(1, filename)
! Broadcast the filename
call mpi_bcast(filename, len(filename), MPI_CHAR, 0, &
! Init the HDF5 library
call h5open_f(ierr)
! Set a stripe count of 4 and a stripe size of 4MB
lcount = 4
lsize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
write(clcount, '(I4)') lcount
write(clsize, '(I8)') lsize
call mpi_info_create(info, ierr)
call mpi_info_set(info, "striping_factor", trim(clcount), ierr)
call mpi_info_set(info, "striping_unit", trim(clsize), ierr)
! Set up the access properties
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, p_id, ierr)
call h5pset_fapl_mpio_f(p_id, MPI_COMM_2D, info, ierr)
! Open the file
call h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, f_id, ierr, &
access_prp = p_id)
if (ierr .ne. 0) then
write(0,*) 'Unable to open: ', trim(filename), ': ', ierr
call mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, ierr)
! Generate our 4000x4000 matrix with a 1x1 halo
total = N + 2 * halo
allocate(ld(0:total-1, 0:total-1))
ld = -99.99
! init the local data
do j = 1, N
do i = 1, N
ld(i,j) = (i - 1 + (j-1)*N)
! Create the local memory space and hyperslab
do i = 1, ndims
d_size(i) = total
s_size(i) = N
h_size(i) = halo
stride(i) = 1
block(i) = 1
call h5screate_simple_f(ndims, d_size, memspace, ierr)
call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, &
h_size, s_size, ierr, &
stride, block)
! Create the global file space and hyperslab
do i = 1, ndims
g_size(i) = N * m_dims(i)
g_start(i) = N * coords(i)
call h5screate_simple_f(ndims, g_size, filespace, ierr)
call h5sselect_hyperslab_f(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET_F, &
g_start, s_size, ierr, &
stride, block)
! Create a data transfer property
call h5pcreate_f(H5P_DATASET_XFER_F, x_id, ierr)
call h5pset_dxpl_mpio_f(x_id, H5FD_MPIO_COLLECTIVE_F, ierr)
! Create the dataset id
call h5dcreate_f(f_id, "/data", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, filespace, d_id, &
! Write the data
call get_walltime(s)
call h5dwrite_f(d_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, ld, s_size, ierr, &
file_space_id=filespace, mem_space_id=memspace, &
call get_walltime(e)
dt = e - s
call mpi_reduce(dt, mdt, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_2D, ierr)
if (id .eq. 0) then
write(6,*) mdt / np
if (allocated(ld)) then
! Close everything and exit
call h5dclose_f(d_id, ierr)
call h5sclose_f(filespace, ierr)
call h5sclose_f(memspace, ierr)
call h5pclose_f(x_id, ierr)
call h5pclose_f(p_id, ierr)
call h5fclose_f(f_id, ierr)
call h5close_f(ierr)
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program hdf_pwrite
Please note this is my teaching example that I interactively get the class to play with. So there are a few different things in it.
as we have a timing routine in C (gettimeofday
) wrapper.Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 60584
Do you calculate the data you want to write in parallel? If so, you want to make sure that all workers have finished their processing before you write, so that your data is in fact complete.
In other words,
// Collect all the data using some form of MPI_Collect, MPI_Reduce
// or whatevs. I'll just put this here for proof-of-concept
// Now, all the threads have "joined", so you can write from 0 without worrying
// that some other thread got here way before
if (currentThread == 0) { createdHDF5File(); }
If not, I assume you want to write data from each thread. Why not just write it to different files?
// Calculate stuff on each thread
// Then write to different files depending on thread num
createHDF5File(currentThread); // Chooses file name that includes the thread num
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