Reputation: 3749
In my GitLab repository, I have a group with 20 projects. I want to clone all projects at once. Is that possible?
Upvotes: 216
Views: 234716
Reputation: 1326766
Update Dec. 2022, use glab repo clone
glab repo clone -g <group> -a=false -p --paginate
, --preserve-namespace
: Clone the repo in a subdirectory based on namespace--paginate
: Make additional HTTP requests to fetch all pages of projects before cloning. Respects --per-page
, --archived
: Limit by archived status. Use with -a=false
to exclude archived repositories. Used with --group
flagThat does support cloning more than 100 repositories (since MR 1030, and glab v1.24.0, Dec. 2022)
This is for
or for a self-managed GitLab instance, provided you set the environment variable GITLAB_URI
: it specifies the URL of the GitLab server if self-managed (eg:
Original answer and updates (starting March 2015):
Not really, unless:
you have a 21st project which references the other 20 as submodules.
(in which case a clone followed by a git submodule update --init
would be enough to get all 20 projects cloned and checked out)
or you somehow list the projects you have access (GitLab API for projects), and loop on that result to clone each one (meaning that can be scripted, and then executed as "one" command)
Since 2015, Jay Gabez mentions in the comments (August 2019) the tool gabrie30/ghorg
allows you to quickly clone all of an org's or user's repos into a single directory.
$ ghorg clone someorg
$ ghorg clone someuser --clone-type=user --protocol=ssh --branch=develop
$ ghorg clone gitlab-org --scm=gitlab --namespace=gitlab-org/security-products
$ ghorg clone --help
Also (2020):
usage: gitlabber [-h] [-t token] [-u url] [--debug] [-p]
[--print-format {json,yaml,tree}] [-i csv] [-x csv]
Gitlabber - clones or pulls entire groups/projects tree from gitlab
Upvotes: 178
Reputation: 39343
Lot of good answers, but here's my take. Use it if you:
)So, using your browser, acess https://gitlab.<gitlabserver>/api/v4/groups/<group name>?per_page=1000
download the json with all projects info and save it as a file named group.json
Now just run this simple command in the same dir:
egrep -o 'git@[^"]+.git' group.json|xargs -n 1 -P 8 git clone
Increase the number in -P 8
to change the number of parallel processes. If you have more than a thousand repositories, increase the number after the perpage=
If <group name>
has spaces or accented chars, note that it must be url encoded.
If you want to automate the download, the easiest way to authenticate is to generate a access token in GitLab/GitHub and put it in the url: https://user:[email protected]/api/v4/groups/<group name>?per_page=1000
@jocullin gave a nice tip in the comments to also download subgroups. Just add &include_subgroups=true
to the groups url above.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 11
ghorg clone --base-url=https://your-gitlab-site --scm=gitlab --token= --preserve-dir
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 887
I know this question is a few years old, but I had problems with awk/sed and the scripts here (macOS). I wanted to clone a root-group including their subgroups while keeping the tree structure.
My python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import re
import requests
import posixpath
import argparse
from git import Repo
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('')
parser.add_argument('group_id', help='id of group to clone (including subgroups)')
parser.add_argument('directory', help='directory to clone repos into')
parser.add_argument('--token', help='Gitlab private access token with read_api and read_repository rights')
parser.add_argument('--gitlab-domain', help='Domain of Gitlab instance to use, defaults to:', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
api_url = 'https://' + posixpath.join(args.gitlab_domain, 'api/v4/groups/', args.group_id, 'projects') + '?per_page=9999&page=1&include_subgroups=true'
headers = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN': args.token}
res = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)
projects = res.json()
base_ns = os.path.commonprefix([p['namespace']['full_path'] for p in projects])
print('Found %d projects in: %s' % (len(projects), base_ns))
abs_dir = os.path.abspath(
def get_rel_path(path):
subpath = path[len(base_ns):]
if (subpath.startswith('/')):
subpath = subpath[1:]
return posixpath.join(, subpath)
for p in projects:
clone_dir = get_rel_path(p['namespace']['full_path'])
project_path = get_rel_path(p['path_with_namespace'])
print('Cloning project: %s' % project_path)
if os.path.exists(project_path):
print("\tProject folder already exists, skipping")
print("\tGit url: %s" % p['ssh_url_to_repo'])
os.makedirs(clone_dir, exist_ok=True)
Repo.clone_from(p['ssh_url_to_repo'], project_path)
python3 --token glabc-D-e-llaaabbbbcccccdd 12345678 .
Clones the group 12345678 (and subgroups) into the current working directory, keeping the tree structure.
usage: [-h] [--token TOKEN] [--gitlab-domain GITLAB_DOMAIN] group_id directory
positional arguments:
group_id id of group to clone (including subgroups)
directory directory to clone repos into
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--token TOKEN Gitlab private access token with read_api and read_repository rights
--gitlab-domain GITLAB_DOMAIN
Domain of Gitlab instance to use, defaults to:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1087
I was wrestling with issues with the scripts posted here, so I made a dumbed down hybrid version using an API call with PostMan, a JSON Query, and a dumb bash script. Here's the steps in case someone else runs into this.
for repo in ${repos[@]}; do git clone $repo
bash {yourscriptname}.sh
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1623
I was a little unhappy with this pulling in archived
and empty
repo's, which I accept are not problems everyone has. So I made the following monstrosity from the accepted answer.
for repo in $(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_TOKEN" "" | jq '.projects[] | select(.archived == false) | select(.empty_repo == false) | .http_url_to_repo' | sed s"-https://gitlab-https://oauth2:\${GITLAB_TOKEN}@gitlab-g"); do
echo "git clone $repo"
done | bash
This is derived from the top answer to give full credit; but it just demonstrates selecting based on properties (for some reason === does not work). I also have this using HTTPS clone, because we set passwords on our SSH keys and don't want them in key-chain, or to type the password many times.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
No need to write code, just be smart
In chrome we have extension that grabs all URL's "Link Klipper"
Extract all the URL's in to an excel file just filter them in excel
create .sh
git clone https:(url) (command)
run this script, done all the repository's will be cloned to your local machine at once
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21758
One liner with curl
, jq
, tr
for repo in $(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: your_private_token" https://<your-host>/api/v4/groups/<group_id> | jq -r ".projects[].ssh_url_to_repo"); do git clone $repo; done;
For use<group_id>
To include subgroups add include_subgroups=true
query param like
Note: To clone with http url use
instead ofssh_url_to_repo
in jq (Thanks @MattVon for the comment)
Upvotes: 145
Reputation: 35775
If you have far more then 20 projects in the group you have to deal with pagination That is you have to do several requests to clone all projects. The most challenging part is to obtain a full projects list in the group. This is how to do it in bash
shell using curl
and jq
for ((i = 1; i <= <NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS>; i++)); do curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <YOUR_TOKEN>" "https://<YOUR_URL>/api/v4/groups/<YOUR_GROUP_ID>/projects?per_page=100&page=${i}" | jq -r ".[].ssh_url_to_repo"; done | tee log
The number of iterations in a for
loop can be obtained from X-Total-Pages
response header in a separate request, see Pagination in Gitlab API only returns 100 per_page max.
After projects list is obtained, you can clone projects with:
for i in `cat log`; do git clone $i; done
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1945
It's my understanding that all the answers only allow you to clone repos, but not issues, boards, other settings, etc. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I feel if I want to back up all the data from multiple projects, the intention is to include not only repos, but also other data, which could be as important as the repos.
Self-hosted Gitlab instances can achieve this with official support, see backup and restore GitLab.
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 712
Based on this answer, with personal access token instead of SSH to git clone.
One liner with curl
, jq
, tr
Without subgroups :
for repo in $(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <private_token>" https://<your-host>/api/v4/groups/<group-name> | jq ".projects[]".http_url_to_repo | tr -d '"' | cut -c 9-); do git clone https://token:<private_token>@$repo; done;
Including subgroups :
for repo in $(curl -s --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <private_token>" "https://<your-host>/api/v4/groups/<group-name>/projects?include_subgroups=true&per_page=1000" | jq ".[]".http_url_to_repo | tr -d '"' | cut -c 9-); do git clone https://token:<private_token>@$repo; done;
Please note that the private_token
for the curl must have API
rights. The private_token
for the git clone
must have at least read_repository
rights. It can be the same token (if it has API
rights), but could also be 2 differents tokens
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 151
This is a bit improved version of the oneliner in @ruben-lohaus post.
REPOS=$(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:${GITLAB_TOKEN}" -s "${GITLAB_URL}" | jq -r '.[].ssh_url_to_repo')
for repo in $(echo -e "$REPOS")
do git clone $repo $(echo $repo | grep -oP '(?<=:).*(?=.git$)')
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 681
Here's an example in Python 3:
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
import subprocess, shlex
allProjects = urlopen("https://[yourServer:port]/api/v4/projects?private_token=[yourPrivateTokenFromUserProfile]&per_page=100000")
allProjectsDict = json.loads(
for thisProject in allProjectsDict:
thisProjectURL = thisProject['ssh_url_to_repo']
command = shlex.split('git clone %s' % thisProjectURL)
resultCode = subprocess.Popen(command)
except Exception as e:
print("Error on %s: %s" % (thisProjectURL, e.strerror))
Upvotes: 39
Reputation: 1
One liner python3 version of Dinesh Balasubramanian response.
I only made this for lack of jq, only python3 (requests)
import requests,os; [os.system('git clone {[http_url_to_repo]}'.format(p)) for p in requests.get('https://<<REPO_URL>>/api/v4/groups/<<GROUP_ID>>',headers={'PRIVATE-TOKEN':'<<YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN>>'},verify=False).json()['projects']]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 81
Using curl, jq and tr and the same approach described previously, but for more than 20 projects:
for repo in $(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:<Private-Token>" -s "https://<your-host>/api/v4/groups/<group-id>/projects?include_subgroups=true&per_page=100&page=n" | jq '.[].ssh_url_to_repo' | tr -d '"'); do git clone $repo; done;
For use[group-id]/projects
Only need to iterate changing page number.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 558
For powershell (replace and and pass in a private token from gitlab (or hardcode it)):
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$url="https://<gitlab host>/api/v4/groups/<group>/projects?
$req = Invoke-WebRequest $url | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach( $project in $req ) {
Start-Process git -ArgumentList "clone", $project.ssh_url_to_repo
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2571
Modified @Hot Diggity's answer.
import json
import subprocess, shlex
allProjects = urlopen("")
allProjectsDict = json.loads(
for thisProject in allProjectsDict:
thisProjectURL = thisProject['ssh_url_to_repo']
path = thisProject['path_with_namespace'].replace('/', '-')
command = shlex.split('git clone %s %s' % (thisProjectURL, path))
p = subprocess.Popen(command)
p_status = p.wait()
except Exception as e:
print("Error on %s: %s" % (thisProjectURL, e.strerror))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41
Here's a Java version that worked for me using gitlab4j with an access token and git command.
I ran this on Windows and Mac and it works. For Windows, just add 'cmd /c' before 'git clone' inside the .exec()
void doClone() throws Exception {
try (GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("[your-git-host].com/", "[your-access-token]");) {
List<Project> projects = gitLabApi.getGroupApi().getProjects("[your-group-name]");
projects.forEach(p -> {
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("git clone " + p.getSshUrlToRepo(), null, new File("[path-to-folder-to-clone-projects-to]"));
} catch (Exception e) {
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 473
If you are okay with some shell sorcery this will clone all the repos grouped by their group-id (you need jq and parallel)
seq 3 \
| parallel curl -s "'https://[gitlabUrl]/api/v4/projects?page={}&per_page=100&private_token=[privateToken]'
| jq '.[] | .ssh_url_to_repo, .name, .namespace.path'" \
| tr -d '"' \
| awk '{ printf "%s ", $0; if (NR % 3 == 0) print " " }' \
| parallel --colsep ' ' 'mkdir -p {2} && git clone {1} {3}/{2}'
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 79
I created a tool for that:, you can use glob/regex expressions to select groups/subgroups you'd like to clone.
Say your top-level group is called MyGroup
and you want to clone all projects under it to ~/GitlabRoot
you can use the following command:
gitlabber -t <personal access token> -u <gitlab url> -i '/MyGroup**' ~/GitlabRoot
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 182
I have written the script to pull the complete code base from gitlab for particular group.
for pag in {1..3} // number of pages projects has span {per page 20 projects so if you have 50 projects loop should be 1..3}
curl -s http://gitlink/api/v4/groups/{groupName}/projects?page=$pag > url.txt
grep -o '"ssh_url_to_repo": *"[^"]*"' url.txt | grep -o '"[^"]*"$' | while read -r line ; do
echo "$l2"
git clone $l2
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1498
In response to @Kosrat D. Ahmad as I had the same issue (with nested subgroups - mine actually went as much as 5 deep!)
function check_subgroup {
echo "checking $gid"
if [[ $(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups/$gid/subgroups/ | jq .[].id -r) != "" ]]; then
for gid in $(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups/$gid/subgroups/ | jq .[].id -r)
echo $gid >> top_level
> top_level #empty file
> repos #empty file
for gid in $(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups/ | jq .[].id -r)
# This is necessary because there will be duplicates if each group has multiple nested groups. I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do this though!
for gid in $(sort top_level | uniq)
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups/$gid | jq .projects[].http_url_to_repo -r >> repos
while read repo; do
git clone $repo
done <repos
rm top_level
rm repos
Note: I use jq .projects[].http_url_to_repo this can be replaced with .ssh_url_to_repo if you'd prefer.
Alternatively strip out the rm's and look at the files individually to check the output etc.
Admittedly this will clone everything, but you can tweak it however you want.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 54
An alternative based on Dmitriy's answer -- in the case you were to clone repositories in a whole group tree recursively.
import os
import sys
import gitlab
import subprocess
glab = gitlab.Gitlab(f'https://{sys.argv[1]}', f'{sys.argv[3]}')
groups = glab.groups.list()
root = sys.argv[2]
def visit(group):
name =
real_group = glab.groups.get(
for child in real_group.subgroups.list():
def clone(projects):
for repo in projects:
command = f'git clone {repo.ssh_url_to_repo}'
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
output, _ = process.communicate()
glab = gitlab.Gitlab(f'https://{sys.argv[1]}', f'{sys.argv[3]}')
groups = glab.groups.list()
root = sys.argv[2]
for group in groups:
if == root:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 101
Yep it's possible, here is the code.
pip install python-gitlab
import os
import sys
import gitlab
import subprocess
glab = gitlab.Gitlab(f'https://{sys.argv[1]}', f'{sys.argv[3]}')
groups = glab.groups.list()
groupname = sys.argv[2]
for group in groups:
if == groupname:
projects = group.projects.list(all=True)
for repo in projects:
command = f'git clone {repo.ssh_url_to_repo}'
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
output, _ = process.communicate()
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 106
Another way to do it with Windows "Git Bash" that has limited packages installed :
curl -o projects.json https://<GitLabUrl>/api/v4/projects?private_token=<YourToken>
while : ; do
echo "/$i/namespace/full_path" > jsonpointer
path=$(jsonpointer -f jsonpointer projects.json 2>/dev/null | tr -d '"')
[ -z "$path" ] && break
echo $path
if [ "${path%%/*}" == "<YourProject>" ]; then
[ ! -d "${path#*/}" ] && mkdir -p "${path#*/}"
echo "/$i/ssh_url_to_repo" > jsonpointer
url=$(jsonpointer -f jsonpointer projects.json 2>/dev/null | tr -d '"')
( cd "${path#*/}" ; git clone --mirror "$url" )
let i+=1
rm -f projects.json jsonpointer
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1467
An updated Python 3 script that accomplishes this really effectively using Gitlab's latest api and proper pagination:
import requests
import subprocess, shlex
import os
print('Starting getrepos process..')
key = '12345678901234567890' # your gitlab key
base_url = 'https://your.gitlab.url/api/v4/projects?simple=true&per_page=10&private_token='
url = base_url + key
base_dir = os.getcwd()
while True:
print('\n\nRetrieving from ' + url)
response = requests.get(url, verify = False)
projects = response.json()
for project in projects:
project_name = project['name']
project_path = project['namespace']['full_path']
project_url = project['ssh_url_to_repo']
print('\nProcessing %s...' % project_name)
print('Moving into directory: %s' % project_path)
os.makedirs(project_path, exist_ok = True)
cmd = shlex.split('git clone --mirror %s' % project_url)
except Exception as e:
print('Error: ' + e.strerror)
if 'next' not in response.links:
url = response.links['next']['url'].replace('', 'your.gitlab.url')
Requires the requests library (for navigating to the page links).
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1607
Here is another example of a bash script to clone all the repos in a group. The only dependency you need to install is jq ( Simply place the script into the directory you want to clone your projects into. Then run it as follows:
./myscript <group name> <private token> <gitlab url>
./myscript group1 abc123tyn234
if command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "jq parser found";
echo "this script requires the 'jq' json parser (";
exit 1;
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "a group name arg is required"
exit 1;
if [ -z "$2" ]
echo "an auth token arg is required. See $3/profile/account"
exit 1;
if [ -z "$3" ]
echo "a gitlab URL is required."
exit 1;
echo "Cloning all git projects in group $1";
GROUP_ID=$(curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups?search=$1 | jq '.[].id')
echo "group id was $GROUP_ID";
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN" $URL/groups/$GROUP_ID/projects?per_page=100 | jq --arg p "$PREFIX" '.[] | .[$p]' | xargs -L1 git clone
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1628
I built a script (curl, git, jq required) just for that. We use it and it works just fine:
To find out your namespace, its best to check the API quick:
There, use "" as NAMESPACE
for your group.
The script essentially does:
Get their path
and ssh_url_to_repo
2.1. If the directory path
exists, cd into it and call git pull
2.2. If the directory path
does not exist, call git clone
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 5728
You can refer to this ruby script here:
But you need to make sure that you have the link to the organization gitlab url (which looks like: for example organization) and private token (which looks like: QALWKQFAGZDWQYDGHADS and you can get in: once you are logged in). Also do make sure that you have httparty gem installed or gem install httparty
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 91
There is a tool called myrepos, which manages multiple version controls repositories. Updating all repositories simply requires one command:
mr update
In order to register all gitlab projects to mr, here is a small python script. It requires the package python-gitlab installed:
import os
from subprocess import call
from gitlab import Gitlab
# Register a connection to a gitlab instance, using its URL and a user private token
gl = Gitlab('', 'JVNSESs8EwWRx5yDxM5q')
groupsToSkip = ['aGroupYouDontWantToBeAdded']
gl.auth() # Connect to get the current user
gitBasePathRelative = "git/"
gitBasePathRelativeAbsolut = os.path.expanduser("~/" + gitBasePathRelative)
for p in gl.Project():
if not any(p.namespace.path in s for s in groupsToSkip):
pathToFolder = gitBasePathRelative + + "/" +
commandArray = ["mr", "config", pathToFolder, "checkout=git clone '" + p.ssh_url_to_repo + "' '" + + "'"]
call(["mr", "update"])
Upvotes: 9