Reputation: 1350
I have sorted list of integer values:
let ls = [1..4]
How can I get a sublist without first and the last element? (In the most optimal way)
The expected result is [2; 3]
This is what I have so far, and yeah, it's working, but I in my opinion it's just not the best approach.
[1..4] |> List.tail |> List.rev |> List.tail |> List.sort
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1170
Reputation: 11577
A somewhat long answer incoming in response to your innocently worded qualifier: "In the most optimal way"
Optimal in terms of what?
And so on...
So I decided to measure some aspects of the problem.
I measured the different answers (added a non-idiomatic version as well) in this thread in various different context.
Without further ado here is the program I used to measure
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
module so29100251 =
// Daystate solution (OP)
module Daystate =
// Applied minor fixes to it
let trim = function
| [] | [_] | [_;_] -> []
| ls -> ls |> List.tail |> List.rev |> List.tail |> List.rev
// kaefer solution
module kaefer =
type 'a State = Zero | One | Other of 'a
let skipFirstAndLast xss =
let rec aux acc = function
| _, [] -> List.rev acc
| Zero, x::xs -> aux acc (One, xs)
| One, x::xs -> aux acc (Other x, xs)
| (Other prev), x::xs -> aux (prev :: acc) (Other x, xs)
aux [] (Zero, xss)
// Petr solution
module Petr =
let rec trimImpl ls acc =
match ls, acc with
| [], _ -> acc
| h::[], acc -> List.rev acc
| h::n::t, [] -> trimImpl t [n]
| h::t, acc -> trimImpl t (h::acc)
let trim ls = trimImpl ls []
// NonIdiomatic solution
module NonIdiomatic =
let trim (hint : int) (ls : 'T list) =
// trims last of rest
// Can't ask for ls.Length as that is O(n)
let ra = ResizeArray<_> (hint)
// Can't use for x in list do as it relies on .GetEnumerator ()
let mutable c = ls
while not c.IsEmpty do
ra.Add c.Head
c <- c.Tail
let count = ra.Count
let mutable result = []
for i in (count - 2)..(-1)..1 do
result <- ra.[i]::result
open so29100251
type Time = MilliSeconds of int64
type TestKind<'T> =
| Functional of 'T
| MeasurePerformance of int*int
let main argv =
let factor = 10000000
// let maxHint = Int32.MaxValue
let maxHint = 100
let time (action : unit -> 'T) : 'T*Time =
let sw = Stopwatch ()
sw.Start ()
let r = action ()
sw.Stop ()
r, MilliSeconds sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
let adapt fn hint ls = fn ls
let trimmers =
"Daystate" , adapt Daystate.trim
"kaefer" , adapt kaefer.skipFirstAndLast
"Petr" , adapt Petr.trim
"NonIdiomatic" , NonIdiomatic.trim
let functionalTestCases =
Functional [] , "empty" , []
Functional [] , "singleton" , [1]
Functional [] , "duoton" , [1;2]
Functional [2] , "triplet" , [1;2;3]
Functional [2;3] , "quartet" , [1;2;3;4]
let performanceMeasurements = [||]
let functionalTestCases = [||]
let performanceMeasurements =
"small" , 10
"big" , 1000
"bigger" , 100000
// "huge" , 10000000
|] |> (fun (name, size) -> MeasurePerformance (size, (factor / size)) , name , [for x in 1..size -> x])
let testCases =
|] |> Array.concat
use tsv = File.CreateText ("result.tsv")
for trimName, trim in trimmers do
for testKind, testCaseName, testCase in testCases do
match testKind with
| Functional expected ->
let actual = trim 0 testCase
if actual = expected then
printfn "SUCCESS: Functional test of %s trim on testcase %s successful" trimName testCaseName
printfn "FAILURE: Functional test of %s trim on testcase %s failed" trimName testCaseName
| MeasurePerformance (size,testRuns) ->
let hint = min size maxHint
let before = GC.GetTotalMemory(true)
printfn "MEASURE: Running performance measurement on %s trim using testcase %s..." trimName testCaseName
let timeMe () =
for x in 1..testRuns do
ignore <| trim hint testCase
let _, MilliSeconds ms = time timeMe
let after = GC.GetTotalMemory(false)
let timeGC () =
ignore <| GC.GetTotalMemory(true)
let _, MilliSeconds msGC = time timeMe
printfn "...%d ms (%d runs), %d (before) %d (after) %d ms (GC)" ms testRuns before after msGC
tsv.WriteLine (sprintf "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" trimName testCaseName size hint testRuns before after msGC ms)
I then measured the execution time and GC time on x64 and max size hint allowed: (size hints is only used by the non-idiomatic version)
x86 and max size hint allowed:
x64 and max 100 hint allowed:
x86 and max 100 hint allowed:
Looking at the performance charts we can note some somewhat surprising things:
Some final thoughts:
Hopefully it was somewhat interesting
Edit: The GC performance measurement numbers should not be over-interpreted into some thing more than: "GC can be expensive"
I later changed from a while loop to tail-recursion over a list which did improve the performance somewhat but not enough to warrant an update of the charts.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 4280
This is one of the ways:
let rec trim ls acc =
match ls, acc with
| [], _ -> acc
| h::[], acc -> List.rev acc
| h::n::t, [] -> trim t [n]
| h::t, acc -> trim t (h::acc)
let reslt = trim ls []
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 5741
You didn't require standard library functions to achieve this, your're just asking for an efficient way. Defining a recursive function with an accumulator which holds the intermediate results would then appear a viable solution, even when the list has to be reversed at its termination.
I'm providing a custom Discriminated Union to keep track of the state, this is modelled along the lines of the Option type
with an extra case.
type 'a State = Zero | One | Other of 'a
let skipFirstAndLast xss =
let rec aux acc = function
| _, [] -> List.rev acc
| Zero, x::xs -> aux acc (One, xs)
| One, x::xs -> aux acc (Other x, xs)
| (Other prev), x::xs -> aux (prev :: acc) (Other x, xs)
aux [] (Zero, xss)
[1..4] |> skipFirstAndLast // val it : int list = [2; 3]
Upvotes: 2