
Reputation: 365

what can be used instead of input type= "password" for password insertion?

I'm trying to create a basic sign up page using html and php. I've tried to use input type= "password" for my password field; but in that case that does not create any textbox. If I use type =" " I get my desired form.But obviously input remains visible. What will be the simplest way to overcome this problem?

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                <label for="Password">Enter Password:
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Upvotes: 0

Views: 2144

Answers (3)

Brennen Sprimont
Brennen Sprimont

Reputation: 1729

Hmmmmmm changing type to "password" works for me.... And the only other way I can think of would be using java script or java query and although it doesn't take much work it shouldn't be needed.

Have you tried clearing your cache? what browser are you using? (it works fine in chrome)

PS: Your indentations and formatting are a little unorthadox and you don't need to end break tags, just br is enough.

I just made this a html file and ran it in chrome and it worked perfectly.

<form action="insert.php" method="POST">
<div class="insert">
    <center><h3>Fill all the forms for inserting data</h3></center>
            <label for="UserId">Enter Username :
                <input name="UserId" type=" " id="UserId" maxlength="15">
                <span id="user-result"></span>
            <label for="Password">Enter Password:
                <input name="Password" type="password" id="Password" maxlength="15">
            <label for="Confirm Password">Confirm password:
                <input name="Confirm Password" type="password" id="CPassword" maxlength="15">
        <center><input type ="submit" value="save"></center>   

EDIT: Given the image in one of the comments on another answer. (that I cannot comment on because my rep isn't high enough)

Would the stylesheet you are using not have type="password' defined? or override it for some reason?

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 11700

You are looking for :


Example for password input field:

<input type="password" name="password">

Also you use the for with your label, the things is the for looks for the id and not the name. Also you better use name without a whitespace this makes is easier for yourself.

Example for how your password piece will look like:

            <label for="password-new">Enter Password:
            <input name="passwordnew" type="password" id="password-new" maxlength="15">
            <label for="confirm-password">Confirm password:
            <input name="confirmpassword" type="password" id="confirm-password" maxlength="15">

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 23493

This works:

<form action="insert.php" method="POST">
    <div class="insert">
            <center><br><h3>Fill all the forms for inserting data</h3></br></center>

            <label for="UserId">Enter Username :
            <input name="UserId" type=" " id="UserId" maxlength="15">
            <span id="user-result"></span>
            <label for="Password">Enter Password:
            <input name="Password" type="password" id="Password" maxlength="15">
            <label for="Confirm Password">Confirm password:
            <input name="Confirm Password" type="password" id="CPassword" maxlength="15">

                <input type ="submit" value="save"></center></br>   

Upvotes: 0

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