
Reputation: 12281

Change adaptive brightness level programmatically

How can I change the adaptive brightness level programmatically, on Android Lollipop?

I know how to change the manual brightness level, and to toggle on or off the adaptive brightness. It is done like that: Settings.System.putInt(cr, Settings.System.SCREEN_BRIGHTNESS, newLevel);

However, with adaptive brightness is enabled, the OS combines it with another brightness level which is different than the manual one.

Is there a way to do this?

Target/min/max SDK is 21.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 5819

Answers (2)

Sam Lu
Sam Lu

Reputation: 3506

If your app targetSdkVersion is 23+, Settings.System.putFloat(contentResolver, "screen_auto_brightness_adj", value) won't work as Android disables you to modify any "hidden" settings.

Read frameworks\base\packages\SettingsProvider\src\com\android\providers\settings\ warnOrThrowForUndesiredSecureSettingsMutationForTargetSdk() for details.

Upvotes: 1

Olegas Gončarovas
Olegas Gončarovas

Reputation: 1627

Don't know why but there is a hidden constant SCREEN_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS_ADJ in Android API to adjust adaptive brightness. But you can pass "screen_auto_brightness_adj" string value instead like I did.

Adaptive brightness adjustment is stored as float value in range [-1;1]. If you use brightness value in range [0;255], you can convert it to proper value as shown below.

float value = (((float)brightness*2)/255) - 1.0f;
Settings.System.putFloat(contentResolver, "screen_auto_brightness_adj", value);

Upvotes: 8

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