Reputation: 625
I am using Oracle 11g and I try to create XML data. One of the tags is:
I use the below code to generate it:
l_major_line := DBMS_XMLDOM.createElement (l_domdoc, 'ns1:majorLine');
DBMS_XMLDOM.setattribute (l_major_line, 'xmlns:ns1','urn:xyz:ccw:config:msa:data');
DBMS_XMLDOM.setattribute (l_major_line, 'lineId', l_line_id);
It gives this output:
<ns1:majorLine xmlns:ns1="urn:xyz:ccw:config:msa:data" linId = "12345">
The issue is, that I don't want the portion: "xmlns:ns1="urn:xyz:ccw:config:msa:data"
Instead I need:
<ns1:majorLine linId = "12345">
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3597
Reputation: 721
Use dbms_xmldom.removeAttribute
l_domdoc dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
l_major_line dbms_xmldom.DOMElement;
l_node dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
l_attrs dbms_xmldom.DOMNamedNodeMap;
l_len pls_integer;
l_name varchar2( 4000 );
l_clob clob;
-- Sample data preparation.
l_domdoc := dbms_xmldom.createDocument( 'xmlns:ns1', 'doc' );
l_major_line := dbms_xmldom.createElement( l_domdoc, 'ns1:majorLine' );
dbms_xmldom.setAttribute( l_major_line, 'lineId', 12345 );
dbms_xmldom.setAttribute( l_major_line, 'xmlns:ns1', 'urn:xyz:ccw:config:msa:data' );
-- Remove exact namespace.
--dbms_xmldom.removeAttribute( l_major_line, 'xmlns:ns1' );
-- Or remove generic namespace if the exact name is not known.
l_node := dbms_xmldom.makeNode( l_major_line );
l_attrs := dbms_xmldom.getAttributes( l_node );
l_len := dbms_xmldom.getLength( l_attrs );
for i in 1 .. l_len loop
l_node := dbms_xmldom.item( l_attrs, i );
l_name := dbms_xmldom.getNodeName( l_node );
if lower( l_name ) like 'xmlns:%' then
dbms_xmldom.removeAttribute( l_major_line, l_name );
end if;
end loop;
-- Output.
l_node := dbms_xmldom.makeNode( l_major_line );
dbms_lob.createTemporary( l_clob, true );
dbms_xmldom.writeToClob( l_node, l_clob );
dbms_output.put_line( l_clob );
Upvotes: 1