Reputation: 3
I am using angular ui-select Selectize Theme. I want to disable search but would like to show place holder text so that user know what is this select field is used for. I tried modifying selectize/match.tpl.html to
<div ng-hide=\"($ || $select.isEmpty())\" class=\"ui-select-match\" ng-transclude=\"\">{{$select.placeholder}}</div>
But this always rending as
<div ng-hide="($ || $select.isEmpty())" class="ui-select-match ng-hide" ng-transclude="" placeholder="Select or search a country in the list..."><span class="ng-binding ng-scope"></span></div>
How to modify template to show place holder text in Span/Div and show it by default. Or is there any better way to disable search and show placeholder text ?
i have created a wrapper directive over this and modifying inside a link line below
and again in controller
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Views: 2869
Reputation: 420
I have modified select.tpl.html like below
$templateCache.put("selectize/select.tpl.html","<div class=\"selectize-control single\"><div class=\"selectize-input\" ng-class=\"{\'focus\': $, \'disabled\': $select.disabled, \'selectize-focus\' : $select.focus}\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\"><div class=\"ui-select-match\"></div><div class=\"ui-select-placeholder\" ng-hide=\"!$select.isEmpty()\">{{$select.placeholder}}</div><input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\" tabindex=\"-1\" class=\"ui-select-search ui-select-toggle\" ng-click=\"$select.toggle($event)\" placeholder=\"{{$select.placeholder}}\" readonly ng-model=\"$\" ng-hide=\"!$select.searchEnabled || ($select.selected && !$\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\"></div><div class=\"ui-select-choices\"></div></div>");}]);
Which adds a div with placeholder when selection is empty. Else it will be hidden
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Reputation: 420
I wrote a wrapper directive around this, updated match template like below, and using search-enable = false
$templateCache.put("selectize/match.tpl.html","<div class=\"ui-select-match\" ng-transclude=\"\"></div>");
using "link" in wrapper directive i am updating above template with palceholder text
using controller in wrapper directive, updating selected string
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