
Reputation: 853

Combine different tables in a list in R

update: Code below seems to work

I'm not entire sure to how this question, so I apologise if this is worded badly. I tried looking for "combine different elements of a list using apply" but that doesn't seem to work.

Anyways, as the result of scraping a website, I have two vectors giving identifying information and a list that contains a number of different tables. A simplified version looks something like this:

respondents <- c("A", "B")
questions <- c("question1", "question2")

df1 <- data.frame(
   option = c("yes", "no"),
   percentage = c(70, 30), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2 <- data.frame(
   option= c("today", "yesterday"),
   percentage =c(30, 70), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df3 <- data.frame(
   option = c("yes", "no"),
   percentage = c(60, 40), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df4 <- data.frame(
    option= c("today", "yesterday"),
    percentage =c(20, 80), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

lst <- list(df1, df2, df3, df4)

The first two tables are questions and responses from the first participant, and the second two tables are questions are from the second participant. What i would like to do is to create two tables that contain the answers to the questions for the two participants. So I would like something that looks like this:

question1 <- data.frame(
   option = c("yes", "no"),
   A = c(70, 30),
   B = c(60, 40), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

question2 <- data.frame(
   option = c("today", "yesterday"),
   A = c(30, 70),
   B = c(20, 80), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

In my case, I have 122 responses from 51 participants, and it ordered so that tables 1-122 are from the first participant, the next 122 tables are from the second participant, etc. Ultimately, then, I would like to have 122 tables (one table per question), with each table containing 51 columns that correspond to each participant. I am more or less at a loss as to how to do this, so I would appreciate any suggestions.

This should now work:


# Get the data
## Create URL address

mainURL <- ''
stateURL <- 'states.html'
url  <-  paste0(mainURL, stateURL)

## Download URL

tmp <- getURL(url)

## Parse
tmp  <-  htmlTreeParse(tmp, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

## Extract page addresses and save to subURL
subURL  <-  unlist(xpathSApply(tmp, '//a[@href]', xmlAttrs))

## Remove pages that aren't state's names
subURL  <- subURL[-(1:4)]

## Show first four states
head(subURL, 4)

#  Get questions 
## Select first state
suburl  <-  subURL[1]

## Paste it at the end of the main URL
url <- paste0(mainURL, suburl)

## Download URL
tmp  <- getURL(url)

## Read data from html 

tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

##Remove empty strings
Questions  <- Questions[Questions!= '']

# Create objects to populate later

stateNames <- rep('', length(subURL))

## Populate stateNames

### Remove state_ from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('state_','',subURL)

### Remove .html from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('.html','',stateNames)

# Remove pictures in the data representing IPA symbols with their names      (e.g., names of the pictures)

## Get url
url <- paste0(mainURL, subURL)
tmp <- getURL(url) 

## Replace .gif with _
tmp <- gsub(".gif>", '_', tmp)

## Replace "<img\\s+src=./images/" with _
tmp <- gsub("<img\\s+src=./images/", '_', tmp)

# Read in data

tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Subset 2nd and 4th columns and apply to every item on list
tb <-  lapply(tb, function(x) x[,c(2,4)])

## Remove quotation marks, percent sign and convert to number; apply to every item

tb <-  lapply(tb, function(x) {
  x [,2 ] = gsub('\\(','',x[,2] )
  x [,2 ] = gsub('%\\)','',x[,2])
  x [,2 ] = as.numeric(x[,2])

## Assign column names to all dataframes
tb <- lapply(tb, setNames , nm = c("option", "percentage"))

#get rid of extra tables
tb1 <- tb[-seq(1, length(tb), by=123)] 

## Function to clean data sets

f1 <- function(list1){ Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by= 'option', all=TRUE), list1) }; res <- lapply(1:122, function(i) {indx <- seq(i, length(tb), by=122); f1(tb[indx])})

## Function to merge datasets together
res1 <- lapply(1:122, function(i) f1(tb1[seq(i, length(tb1), by=122)]))

## Create names for the states
stateNames2 <- c("option", stateNames)

# Rename columns in the new dataframes
res2 <- lapply(res1, setNames , nm = stateNames2)

# Test to see whether it works
test <- res2[[122]]

Upvotes: 0

Views: 992

Answers (1)


Reputation: 853

Thanks to akrun (see comments), I got this to work. The full code is here:


# Get the data
## Create URL address

mainURL <- ''
stateURL <- 'states.html'
url  <-  paste0(mainURL, stateURL)

## Download URL

tmp <- getURL(url)

## Parse
tmp  <-  htmlTreeParse(tmp, useInternalNodes = TRUE)

## Extract page addresses and save to subURL
subURL  <-  unlist(xpathSApply(tmp, '//a[@href]', xmlAttrs))

## Remove pages that aren't state's names
subURL  <- subURL[-(1:4)]

## Show first four states
head(subURL, 4)

#  Get questions
## Select first state
suburl  <-  subURL[1]

## Paste it at the end of the main URL
url <- paste0(mainURL, suburl)

## Download URL
tmp  <- getURL(url)

## Read data from html 

tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## Remove first column
Questions  <- tb[[1]][,1]

##Remove empty strings
Questions  <- Questions[Questions!= '']

# Create objects to populate later

 survey <-  vector(length(subURL), mode = "list")
i <- 1
stateNames <- rep('', length(subURL))

## Populate stateNames

### Remove state_ from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('state_','',subURL)

### Remove .html from stateNames
stateNames <- gsub('.html','',stateNames)

# Remove pictures in the data representing IPA symbols with their names (e.g., names of the pictures)

## Get url
url <- paste0(mainURL, subURL)
tmp <- getURL(url) 

## Replace .gif with _

tmp <- gsub(".gif>", '_', tmp)

## Replace "<img\\s+src=./images/" with _

tmp <- gsub("<img\\s+src=./images/", '_', tmp)

# Read in data

tb <- readHTMLTable(tmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#tb <- tb[-1]

## Subset 2nd and 4th columns and apply to every item on list
tb <-  lapply(tb, function(x) x[,c(2,4)])

## Remove quotation marks, percent sign and convert to number; apply to every item

tb <-  lapply(tb, function(x) {
    x [,2 ] = gsub('\\(','',x[,2] )
    x [,2 ] = gsub('%\\)','',x[,2])
    x [,2 ] = as.numeric(x[,2])

## Assign column names to all dataframes

tb <- lapply(tb, setNames , nm = c("option", "percentage"))

## Remove unneeded dataframes in list

tb1 <- tb[-seq(1, length(tb), by=123)]

## Function to clean data sets

f1 <- function(list1){ Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by= 'option', all=TRUE), list1) }; res <- lapply(1:122, function(i) {indx <- seq(i, length(tb), by=122); f1(tb[indx])})

## Function to merge datasets together
res1 <- lapply(1:122, function(i) f1(tb1[seq(i, length(tb1), by=122)]))

## Create names for the states
stateNames2 <- c("Options", stateNames)

# Rename columns in the new dataframes
res2 <- lapply(res1, setNames , nm = stateNames2)

# Test to see whether it works
test <- res2[[1]]

Upvotes: 1

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