Reputation: 962
for example I want to get all variables from a lambda-list to define a macro:
(defmacro my-defun (name lambda-list &body body &aux (fname (gensym)))
(defun ,fname ,(all-vars lambda-list)
(defun ,name ,lambda-list
(,fname ,@(all-vars lambda-list)))))
are there some functions to do this or or other things to handle easier with lambda-lists, or is there no easier way than writing functions like this:
(defun all-vars (lambda-list)
(mapcar (lambda (cons) (if (consp cons) (car cons) cons))
(remove-if (lambda (symbol) (and (symbolp symbol)
(char= (char (symbol-name symbol) 0) #\&)))
Upvotes: 2
Views: 169
Reputation: 3231
So many times I write a function like this only to find out it is already in the alexandria library.
(ql:quickload :alexandria)
And then
CL-USER> (alexandria:parse-ordinary-lambda-list '(a b c &optional x &key (ham 1 used-ham)))
(A B C)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 85883
This approach is sort of what you have to do, or need to find a library that already implements it. There are libraries out there that handle lambda-list parsing (and every implementation has to do it, at least internally). It's not usually too hard, just tedious.
That said, your implementation of all-vars isn't quite correct. The full specification for keyword arguments in ordinary lambda lists is:
[&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]]
That means you can, e.g.,
(defun (&key ((:long-keyword-name x) "EX" xp))
When you do (if (consp cons) (car cons) cons), you'd get (:long-keyword-name x) back, not x.
Here's a version that I think works, but haven't tested extensively:
(defun lambda-list-variables (lambda-list)
"Returns, in order, the variables declared in an ordinary lambda list,
but doesn't check that the lambda-list is actually legal."
(labels ((ll-keyword-p (x)
(member x lambda-list-keywords))
(to-var (x)
(if (symbolp x)
x ; required, optional, rest, key, and aux
(destructuring-bind (var &rest init-and-supplied) x
(declare (ignore init-and-supplied))
(if (listp var)
(second var) ; key vars
var))))) ; optional, key, and aux vars
(remove-if #'ll-keyword-p
(mapcar #'to-var lambda-list))))
CL-USER> (lambda-list-variables
'(a b
&optional c (d 'dee) (e 'ee e-p)
&rest f
(h 'aitch)
(i 'eye i-p)
((:jay j))
((:kay k) 'kay)
((:ell l) 'ell l-p)
(n 'en)))
;=> (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N)
Upvotes: 2