This is my first Erlang program. I need help with my code. I just learned that I can not call functions in guards so I tried to impliment a "case" in my factor/3 helper function. The code compiles, but I get the following error:
*** exception error: an error occurred when evaluating an arithmetic expression in function program:factor/3 (program.erl, line 24) *
-export([first/1, isProduct/1, factor/1]).
%returns the first prime factor of the parameter(an integer greater than 1) passed to the function
first(Num) -> first(Num, 2).
%private helper function for first(Num)
first(Num, Count) when (Num rem Count) == 0 -> Count;
first(Num, Count) -> Count = Count + 1,
first(Num, Count).
%returns the prime factorization of Num as a list of prime numbers
factor(Num) -> factor(Num, Num, 1, [Rest, first(Num)])
%helper function for factor(Num)
factor(Num, StaticNum, Count, [First|Rest]) when Count == StaticNum -> [First, Rest];
factor(Num, StaticNum, Count, [First|Rest]) ->
factor(Num div lists:last([Rest]), StaticNum, (Count * [Rest]), [Rest|first(Num div lists:last([Rest])])).
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I modified your code because the version you wrote cannot compile.
There are many problems here.
first(Num, Count) ->
Count = Count + 1,
first(Num, Count).
Variable are not mutable! You cannot do this, but you can recall first/2 with new parameters:
first(Num, Count) ->
first(Num, Count+1).
In addition, this function will never stop if it is called with the parameter 1. You need to add a result for this.
%returns the product of factors-in-a-list.
isProduct([]) -> 0;
isProduct([First|Rest]) -> First * isProduct(Rest).
This function always return 0 since it always end with the detection of an empty list. You should write isProduct([]) -> 1;
When you find the last factor you insert it in the list with a bad syntax: use [First|Rest];
not [First, Rest];
when you want to iterate, the first parameter is the current remaining Num, so for the next step it should be Num/Next
with Next = first(Num). Note that in the syntax [First|Rest]
First is an element (here an integer), while Rest is a list, and you cannot use a list for arithmetic operation.
Last, you want to add a new element to the list of primes, it will be Next = first(Num)
and you have to put it on top of the list and continue with Num div Next
(this apply to the first call to factor/3)
your code becomes:
%returns the first prime factor of the parameter(an integer greater than 1) passed to the function
first(1) -> 1;
first(Num) -> first(Num, 2).
%private helper function for first(Num)
first(Num, Count) when (Num rem Count) == 0 -> Count;
first(Num, Count) -> first(Num, Count+1).
%returns the product of factors-in-a-list.
isProduct([]) -> 1;
isProduct([First|Rest]) -> First * isProduct(Rest).
%returns the prime factorization of Num as a list of prime numbers
factor(Num) when is_integer(Num), Num > 0 ->
First = first(Num),
factor(Num div First, Num,[First]).
%helper function for factor(Num)
factor(Num, StaticNum, [First|Rest]) ->
case isProduct([First|Rest]) == StaticNum of
true -> [First|Rest];
false ->
Next = first(Num),
factor(Num div Next, StaticNum, [Next,First|Rest])
Your version is not optimized since you restart first at 2 every time (important when there are many prime factors) and the stop condition is not optimized (important when there are some "big" prime factors). I would write it this way:
decomp(N) when is_integer(N), (N > 0) ->
decomp(N,R,I) when I*I > N -> [N|R];
decomp(N,R,I) when (N rem I) =:= 0 -> decomp(N div I,[I|R],I);
decomp(N,R,2) -> decomp(N,R,3);
decomp(N,R,I) -> decomp(N,R,I+2).
Here is the result for the 2 versions measured with timer:tc/3 (on windows 7), the difference of execution time is huge, more than 15000 time faster for this example:
2> timer:tc(program,factor,[1234567893200]).
3> timer:tc(program,decomp,[1234567893200]).
Upvotes: 2
I rewrote you code,hope I rightly understand your task.
first(Num) when Num >1,is_integer(Num) ->{ok,factor(Num,2)};
first(Num)-> {err,Num}.
factor(Num,Count) when Count>Num+1->[];
factor(Num,Count)->case Num rem Count of
0->[Count|factor(Num div Count,Count)];
Upvotes: 1