I can't find a way to loop through my array of json objects with angular .
My array looks like that in firebug(Each series of objects have an index value.):
[[0], Object { idliste=0, id=1, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}, Object { idliste=0, id=3, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}]
[[1], Object { idliste=1, id=1, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}, Object { idliste=1, id=3, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}]
[[2], Object { idliste=2, id=1, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}, Object { idliste=2, id=3, photo="pot.jpg", plus...}]
It has been produced by this code :
var idListe = $scope.getIdListe();
$scope.listeCommandes[idListe]= new Array([idListe]);
for (i=0;i<$scope.panier.length;i++){
id: $scope.panier[i].id,
photo: $scope.panier[i].photo,
nom: $scope.panier[i].nom,
prix: $scope.panier[i].prix,
$scope.getIdListe = function(){
var idListe = $scope.listeCommandes.length;
return idListe;
And the html is :
<div ng-repeat="idliste in listeCommandes" >
<div ng-repeat="(nom, id) in idliste">
{{nom}} : {{id}}
It doesn't work. I really can't figure how to make it work, it means, simply print each objects, following the index number.
THank you if u got any idea. I've searched the forums but can't find any solution. Maybe it's the way i 've created an index that is wrong ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 10031
finally answered my problem by adding an angular module called angular-filter "mentionned within this example:,js,output
Thank a lot for you help .
Now my code look like that :
var idListe = $scope.getIdListe();
for (i=0;i<$scope.panier.length;i++){
id: $scope.panier[i].id,
photo: $scope.panier[i].photo,
nom: $scope.panier[i].nom,
prix: $scope.panier[i].prix,
and the html :
<ul ng-repeat="(key, value) in listeCommandes | groupBy: 'idliste'">
Group name: {{ key }}
<li ng-repeat="article in value">
article: {{ article.nom}}
then my orders are now all automtically grouped by ID in the html view :
Group name: 0
article: Pots Gris
article: Pot Vert
Group name: 2
article: Pot Bleu
article: Pot Vert
article: Pinceaux
Group name: 5
article: Pots Gris
article: Pot Vert
article: Pot Rouge
article: Pot Bleu
Upvotes: 1