Reputation: 514
I am trying to do a functional test on a form as following
// happy scenario
public function testRegisterActionInvalidCase($password, $confPassword, $gender, $country, $city, $schoo, $schoolName, $shortName, $keyWords, $expectedMessage) {
$user = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_userService, 'FOS\UserBundle\Model\User');
$token = $user->getConfirmationToken();
$url = $this->generateUrl('teacher_register', array('token' => $token));
$crawler = $this->client->request('POST', $url);
$crawlerResponse = $this->client->getResponse();
//[ASSERTIONS] Page is loaded ok
$this->assertEquals(200, $crawlerResponse->getStatusCode());
//[ASSERTIONS] that the loaded page is the correct one
$this->assertContains($this->Translator->trans('Teacher Registration'), $this->client->getResponse()->getContent());
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Save')->form();
$confPassword = $password = $this->Faker->password();
if ($gender === 'GENDER') {
$gender = $this->Faker->randomElement([Gender::FEMALE, Gender::MALE]);
if ($gender === 'COUNTRY') {
$country = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_countryService, '\ITJari\GeneralBundle\Entity\Country');
if ($gender === 'CITY') {
$city = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_cityService, '\ITJari\GeneralBundle\Entity\City');
if ($gender === 'SCHOOL') {
$schoo = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_schoolService, '\ITJari\SchoolBundle\Entity\School');
// fill in the form to be submitted
$form["plainPassword['first']"] = $password;
$form["plainPassword['second']"] = $confPassword;
$form["gender"] = $gender;
$form["country"] = $country;
$form["city"] = $city;
$form["school"] = $schoo;
$form["school_name"] = $schoolName;
$form["short_name"] = $shortName;
$form["key_words"] = $keyWords;
$crawler = $this->client->submit($form);
//[ASSERTIONS] that the form submitted successfully
$this->assertTrue($crawler->filter('html:contains("Teacher has been created successfully")')->count() > 0);
//invalid case How can i use data provider to test invalid case for functional test? here is my try:
* @dataProvider provideDataForRegistrationActionInvalidCase
* @assertions Assert for exception asserted on "exception message"
public function testRegisterActionInvalidCase($password, $confPassword, $gender, $country, $city, $schoo, $schoolName, $shortName, $keyWords, $expectedMessage) {
$user = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_userService, 'FOS\UserBundle\Model\User');
$token = $user->getConfirmationToken();
$url = $this->generateUrl('teacher_register', array('token' => $token));
$crawler = $this->client->request('POST', $url);
$crawlerResponse = $this->client->getResponse();
//[ASSERTIONS] Page is loaded ok
$this->assertEquals(200, $crawlerResponse->getStatusCode());
//[ASSERTIONS] that the loaded page is the correct one
$this->assertContains($this->Translator->trans('Teacher Registration'), $this->client->getResponse()->getContent());
$form = $crawler->selectButton('Save')->form();
$confPassword = $password = $this->Faker->password();
if ($gender === 'GENDER') {
$gender = $this->Faker->randomElement([Gender::FEMALE, Gender::MALE]);
if ($gender === 'COUNTRY') {
$country = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_countryService, '\ITJari\GeneralBundle\Entity\Country');
if ($gender === 'CITY') {
$city = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_cityService, '\ITJari\GeneralBundle\Entity\City');
if ($gender === 'SCHOOL') {
$schoo = $this->_testUtilityService->getRandomEntity($this->_schoolService, '\ITJari\SchoolBundle\Entity\School');
// fill in the form to be submitted
$form["plainPassword['first']"] = $password;
$form["plainPassword['second']"] = $confPassword;
$form["gender"] = $gender;
$form["country"] = $country;
$form["city"] = $city;
$form["school"] = $schoo;
$form["school_name"] = $schoolName;
$form["short_name"] = $shortName;
$form["key_words"] = $keyWords;
$crawler = $this->client->submit($form);
//[ASSERTIONS] that the form submitted successfully
$this->assertTrue($crawler->filter('html:contains("Teacher has been created successfully")')->count() > 0);
* @description prepare data to be used as providers for test cases
* @author Mohamed Ragab Dahab <[email protected]>
* @access public
* @covers TeacherService::submitSubscriptionFormData
* @return array arguments array passed to each test case scenario
public function provideDataForRegistrationActionInvalidCase() {
["password", "differentPassword", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'password does not match'],
["password", "password", 'invalid value', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'Gender invalid value'],
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'invalid value', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'Country Invalid value'],
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'invalid value', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'City Invalid value'],
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'invalid value', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'School Invalid value'],
// School Name
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', '112233Invalid Value', 'my short name', 'my key words', 'School name invalid value'],
// Short Name
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', '112233Invalid Value', 'my key words', 'Short name invalid value'],
// Key Words
["password", "password", 'GENDER', 'COUNTRY', 'CITY', 'SCHOOL', 'my school name', 'my short name', 'TOO_MUCH_TEXT', 'Too much text'],
however i don't know how to assign the form validation message to using the data provider
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2298
Reputation: 2167
A few notes for you to keep in mind.
The tests look to complicated to me in general. I would split it in 2 or 3 tests. You can check if the page loaded ok in another test. Also, I would suggest you to make some kind of implicit login method, if you need token, user or whatever for your authentication.
Data providers look like this:
* Test description
* @dataProvider getSomeData
* @param array $data
public function testSomething($data)
$test = $data['test'];
static function getSomeData()
return array(
array('test' => 'a'),
array('test' => 'b'),
array('test' => 'c'),
If you do functional test with phpunit, its fine, but really consider using behat. It is so much easier, once you get used to it.
Upvotes: 2