Reputation: 132
I have a SQL sentence where I make a minus of two tables to search the differences. As I use frequently I would like to create a function or procedure to make these and get output by screen. Someone could explain me how is the best way to make these, could you put me some example?
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Views: 82
Reputation: 376
Maybe this is the what you're looking for, if you're using Oracle 11g Release 2:
create or replace procedure prnt_my_view(my_view in varchar2, separator in varchar2 default ',') is
type myrefcur is ref cursor;
type rowtext is table of varchar2(256);
rowdef varchar2(256);
rows_cv myrefcur;
text rowtext;
select listagg(column_name,'||'''||separator||'''||') within group (order by column_id) into rowdef from user_tab_columns where lower(table_name) = lower(my_view);
open rows_cv for 'select '||rowdef||' from '||my_view;
fetch rows_cv bulk collect into text;
for i in text.first..text.last loop
end loop;
close rows_cv;
exception when others then
dbms_output.put_line('something is wrong:'||sqlerrm);
edit: if you can't use listagg, check other solutions for example here: alternative to listagg in Oracle?
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 49122
If you frequently use the MINUS query, then it is better to create a view on the query. To fetch the resultset, you just need to select from the view.
For example,
SELECT column_list FROM table1
SELECT column_list FROM table2
And to fetch the result,
SELECT * FROM my_view;
Read the documentation for more details on CREATE VIEW
Upvotes: 1