Can any one give me correct Regular Expression to accept Name starting with characters and ending with characters, in middle i can allow - Ex: ABC or ABC-DEF or ABC-DEF-GHI But it should not start or end with - Ex: -ABC or -ABC- or ABC-
Here is my Regular Expression:
var regex = /^[A-Za-z]-?[A-Za-z]*-?([A-Za-z]+)+$/
This works perfactly fine for me, but if suppose i want to give name as AB-CD-EF-GH than this don't work. Note: Remember that Name should start with Characters and End with Characters and in between i can have - but not -- twice. It has to be associated with characters like a-b-c-d
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I believe this is what you want :
Analysis :
/^ Start of string
[A-Z] Any alphabetic character
( Group
- A hyphen character
[A-Z]+ One or more alphabetic characters
)* 0 or more repititons of group
[A-Z] Any alphabetic character
$/i End of string, allow upper or lower case alpha
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Reputation: 1144
var rgx = /^[A-Za-z]+(-[A-Za-z]+)*$/;
rgx.test("ABC"); // true
rgx.test("ABC-DEF"); // true
rgx.test("AB-CD-EF-GH"); // true
rgx.test("-AB-CD-EF-GH"); // false
rgx.test("AB-CD-"); // false
rgx.test("AB--CD"); // false
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This simple regex will do it for you.See demo.
var re = /^[A-Za-z]+(?:-[A-Za-z]+)*$/gim;
var str = 'ABC\nABC-DEF\n-ABC\nABC-\nAB-CD-EF-GH\n';
var m;
if ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
if (m.index === re.lastIndex) {
// View your result using the m-variable.
// eg m[0] etc.
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You can use .*
inside to allow any number of any characters except for a newline:
var regex = /^(?!.*--.*$)[A-Za-z].*[A-Za-z]$/
will make sure double hyphens are not allowed.
Please check the regex demo here.
function ValIt(str)
var re = /^(?!.*?--.*?$)[A-Za-z].*[A-Za-z]$/g;
if ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null)
return true;
return false;
document.getElementById("res").innerHTML = 'RTT--rrtr: ' + ValIt('RTT--rrtr') + "<br>ER#$-wrwr: "+ ValIt('ER#$-wrwr') + "<br>Rfff-ff-d: " + ValIt('Rfff-ff-d');
<div id=res />
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