Reputation: 43
I am trying to write a simple jest test for a react-router Route module.
The component has a button and when clicking on it, there is a programatic navigation to another route by using the 'transitionTo' method.
I keep getting the following error, even after adding the stubRouterContext utils (as explained here), and wrapping my UserDetails component in the stubRouterContext:
TypeError: Property 'transitionTo' of object #<Object> is not a function
I am using react 12.2, react-router 12.4, and jest 2.2
My dummy component:
var Navigation, React, Router;
React = require('react/addons');
Router = require('react-router');
Navigation = require('react-router').Navigation;
module.exports = React.createClass({
mixins: [Navigation],
onButtonClick: function() {
render: function() {
return (<button onClick={@onButtonClick}>Go to next page</button>)
My test file:
describe('DummyComponent', function() {
it('let you navigate to next page', function() {
var React = require('react/addons');
var TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
var stubRouterContext = require('./../utils/stub-router-context');
var DummyComponent = require('../dummy-component');
var Subject = stubRouterContext(DummyComponent);
dummyComponent = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Subject/>);
button = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(dummyComponent, 'button');;
My stub-router-context.cjsx file:
var React = require('react/addons');
var func = React.PropTypes.func;
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = function(Component, props, stubs) {
return React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
makePath: func,
makeHref: func,
transitionTo: func,
replaceWith: func,
goBack: func,
getCurrentPath: func,
getCurrentRoutes: func,
getCurrentPathname: func,
getCurrentParams: func,
getCurrentQuery: func,
isActive: func
getChildContext: function() {
return _.merge({}, {
makePath: function() {},
makeHref: function() {},
transitionTo: function() {},
replaceWith: function() {},
goBack: function() {},
getCurrentPath: function() {},
getCurrentRoutes: function() {},
getCurrentPathname: function() {},
getCurrentParams: function() {},
getCurrentQuery: function() {},
isActive: function() {}
}, stubs);
render: function() {
return React.createElement(Component, props);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2296
Reputation: 7564
I whipped up and wrote about a fix based on some code the maintainers wrote. Hopefully it helps!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 906
You need access to React's context feature. Add contextTypes to your class...
module.exports = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
router: React.PropTypes.func
Then call transitionTo using the context.router like:
this.context.router.transitionTo('Ads', {adID: 100});
Additional information can be found here:
Jfyi: I'm currently using React 13.1 and React-router 13.2
Upvotes: 1