Reputation: 305
I am trying to pass a string of characters to popen from user input and grep command to retrieve the first element in a specified folder the user indicates.
I have looked around, but have not been able to find a good example. This is the code I have;
FILE *fp = popen("grep -n ", term, " ", file_to_search, " | cut -f 1" );
// This is a note: <---- term (changing variable) and
// file_to_search (stagnant variable indicated by the user)
char buf[1024];
while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) {
cout << buf << endl ; // This is a note: <------- is this right to call the return info?
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Views: 2288
Reputation: 305
I ended up writing a script to do this, but would still want to pursue and find an answer to get a c++ version up and running.
int main () {
ifstream file ;
string line ;
string input, file_to_search ;
cout << "File you want to open in the directory: " ;
cin >> input ;
cout << endl << "File you want to search against: " ;
cin >> file_to_search ; input.c_str()) ;
vector <string> file_content ;
if (file.is_open()) {
while (getline(file, line)) {
file_content.push_back(line) ;
vector <string> :: iterator p ;
for (p = file_content.begin( ); p != file_content.end( ); p++) {
cout << *p << endl ;
string term = *p ;
char command[10000000000000] ;
sprintf(command, "grep -n '%s' '%s' | cut -f 1", term.c_str(), file_to_search.c_str()) ;
FILE *fp = popen(command, "r") ;
if (fp == NULL ) {
cout << "Error. " << endl ;
} else {
cout << "Command output: " << fp << endl ;
char command[10000000000000000]; // Make it large enough.
sprintf(command, "grep -n '%s' '%s' | cut -f 1", term, file_to_search);
// Use of '' around term and file_to_search allows you to have
// whitespaces in them.
FILE *fp = popen(command, "r");
if ( fp == NULL )
// Deal with error condition.
// Rest of your code.
string program_abort ;
cout << endl << endl << "Does the system input look right ( y or n): " << endl ;
cin >> program_abort ;
if ((program_abort == "yes") || (program_abort == "y") ) {
cout << endl << "Program will continue. " << endl << endl ;
} else if ((program_abort == "no") || (program_abort == "n") || (program_abort != "no") ) {
cout << endl << "Program has closed. " << endl << endl ;
return 0 ;
return 0 ;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 206577
Your attempt to use popen
is off quite a bit from what the function expects. See the man pages.
You need something along the lines of:
char command[1000]; // Make it large enough.
sprintf(command, "grep -n '%s' '%s' | cut -f 1", term, file_to_search);
// Use of '' around term and file_to_search allows you to have
// whitespaces in them.
FILE *fp = popen(command, "r");
if ( fp == NULL )
// Deal with error condition.
// Rest of your code.
Upvotes: 2