Reputation: 67
I have raster of the following features:
test <- raster(nrow=225, ncols=478, xmn=-15.8, xmx=32, ymn=-9.4, ymx=13.1)
I want to mask in this raster the cells that are within a given distance of a point. I create the spatial points as followed:
p2=readWKT("POINT(31.55 -1.05)")
Then I create a spatial polygon object by adding a 0.5 buffer:
p2_Buffered <- gBuffer(p2, width = 0.5)
mask(test, mask=p2_Buffered,inverse=T)
When I mask my raster given this spatial object, I have the following error message:
Error in .polygonsToRaster(x, y, field = field, fun = fun, background = background, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I do not understand because this is script I have been running many many times with different point and different buffer width without any problem.
What is strange is that when I change the width of the buffer, it works fine:
p2_Buffered <- gBuffer(p2, width = 0.4)
mask(test, mask=p2_Buffered,inverse=T)
This is also true for a different focal point:
p2=readWKT("POINT(32.55 -1)")
p2_Buffered <- gBuffer(p2, width = 0.5)
mask(test, mask=p2_Buffered,inverse=T)
I would like to identify the specific problem I have for that point because this is a script I should run in a routine (I have been doing it without any problem so far).
Thanks a lot
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Views: 2873
Reputation: 47546
This is indeed a bug with polygons that go over the edge of a raster. It has been fixed in version 2.3-40 (now on CRAN), so it should go away if you update the raster package.
Here is a workaround (removing the part of the polygon that goes over the edge).
r <- raster(nrow=225, ncols=478, xmn=-15.8, xmx=32, ymn=-9.4, ymx=13.1)
e <- as(extent(r), 'SpatialPolygons')
p <- readWKT("POINT(31.55 -1.05)")
pb <- gBuffer(p, width = 0.5)
pbe <- intersect(pb, e)
x <- mask(r, mask=pbe, inverse=TRUE)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 586
You usually need to set some values to the raster layer. For a mask layer its always best to set values to 1.
# make sample raster
test <- raster(nrow=225, ncols=478, xmn=-15.8, xmx=32, ymn=-9.4, ymx=13.1)
# set values of raster for mask
test <- setValues(test, 1)
# make point buffer
p2=readWKT("POINT(15 5)")
p2_Buffered <- gBuffer(p2, width = 1.5)
# name projection of buffer (assume its the same as raster)
projection(p2_Buffered) <- projection(test)
# visual check
plot(test); plot(p2_Buffered, add=T)
If you want to trim down your raster layer to the just the single polygon then try this workflow.
step1 <- crop(test, p2_Buffered) # crop to same extent
step2 <- rasterize(p2_Buffered, step1) # rasterize polygon
final <- step1*step2 # make your final product
If you just want to poke a hole in your raster layer then use the mask function
# rasterize your polygon
p2_Buffered <- rasterize(p2_Buffered, test, fun='sum')
# now mask it
my_mask <- mask(test, mask=p2_Buffered,inverse=T) # try changing the inverse argument
Upvotes: 1