Reputation: 9985
I'm looking at creating map tiles based on a 3D model made in blender,
The map is 16 x 16 in blender.
I've got 4 different zoom levels and each tile is 100 x 100 pixels. The entire map at the most zoomed out level is 4 x 4 tiles constructing an image of 400 x 400.
The most zoomed in level is 256 x 256 obviously constructing an image of 25600 x 25600
What I need is a script for blender that can create the tiles from the model.
I've never written in python before so I've been trying to adapt a couple of the scripts which are already there.
So far I've come up with a script, but it doesn't work very well. I'm having real difficulties getting the tiles to line up seamlessly. I'm not too concerned about changing the height of the camera as I can always create the same zoomed out tiles at 6400 x 6400 images and split the resulting images into the correct tiles.
Here is what I've got so far...
Name: 'Export Map Tiles'
Blender: '242'
Group: 'Export'
Tip: 'Export to Map'
import Blender
from Blender import Scene,sys
from Blender.Scene import Render
def init():
thumbsize = 200
CameraHeight = 4.4
YStart = -8
YMove = 4
XStart = -8
XMove = 4
ZoomLevel = 1
Path = "/Images/Map/"
Blender.drawmap = [thumbsize,CameraHeight,YStart,YMove,XStart,XMove,ZoomLevel,Path]
def show_prefs():
buttonthumbsize = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[0]);
buttonCameraHeight = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[1])
buttonYStart = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[2])
buttonYMove = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[3])
buttonXStart = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[4])
buttonXMove = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[5])
buttonZoomLevel = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[6])
buttonPath = Blender.Draw.Create(Blender.drawmap[7])
block = []
block.append(("Image Size", buttonthumbsize, 0, 500))
block.append(("Camera Height", buttonCameraHeight, -0, 10))
block.append(("Y Start", buttonYStart, -10, 10))
block.append(("Y Move", buttonYMove, 0, 5))
block.append(("X Start", buttonXStart,-10, 10))
block.append(("X Move", buttonXMove, 0, 5))
block.append(("Zoom Level", buttonZoomLevel, 1, 10))
block.append(("Export Path", buttonPath,0,200,"The Path to save the tiles"))
retval = Blender.Draw.PupBlock("Draw Map: Preferences" , block)
if retval:
Blender.drawmap[0] = buttonthumbsize.val
Blender.drawmap[1] = buttonCameraHeight.val
Blender.drawmap[2] = buttonYStart.val
Blender.drawmap[3] = buttonYMove.val
Blender.drawmap[4] = buttonXStart.val
Blender.drawmap[5] = buttonXMove.val
Blender.drawmap[6] = buttonZoomLevel.val
Blender.drawmap[7] = buttonPath.val
def Export():
scn = Scene.GetCurrent()
context = scn.getRenderingContext()
def cutStr(str): #cut off path leaving name
c = str.find("\\")
while c != -1:
c = c + 1
str = str[c:]
c = str.find("\\")
str = str[:-6]
return str
#variables from gui:
thumbsize,CameraHeight,YStart,YMove,XStart,XMove,ZoomLevel,Path = Blender.drawmap
XMove = XMove / ZoomLevel
YMove = YMove / ZoomLevel
Camera = Scene.GetCurrent().getCurrentCamera()
Camera.LocZ = CameraHeight / ZoomLevel
YStart = YStart + (YMove / 2)
XStart = XStart + (XMove / 2)
#Point it straight down
Camera.RotX = 0
Camera.RotY = 0
Camera.RotZ = 0
TileCount = 4**ZoomLevel
#Because the first thing we do is move the camera, start it off the map
Camera.LocY = YStart - YMove
for i in range(0,TileCount):
Camera.LocY = Camera.LocY + YMove
Camera.LocX = XStart - XMove
for j in range(0,TileCount):
Camera.LocX = Camera.LocX + XMove
context.extensions = True
context.renderPath = Path
#setting thumbsize
#could be put into a gui.
context.imageType = Render.PNG
#save image
ZasString = '%s' %(int(ZoomLevel))
XasString = '%s' %(int(j+1))
YasString = '%s' %(int((3-i)+1))
context.saveRenderedImage("Z" + ZasString + "X" + XasString + "Y" + YasString)
#close the windows
#print 'initialize extern variables'
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1915
Reputation: 9985
This was relatively simple in the end.
I scaled up the model so that 1 tile on the map was 1 grid in blender.
Set the camera to be orthographic.
Set the scale on the camera to 1 for the highest zoom, 4 for the next one, 16 for the next one and so on.
Updated the start coordinates and move values accordingly.
Upvotes: 0