Reputation: 291
I'm creating a android project, main feature is scan barcode.
I'm tried integrate with Zxing library into my project, and it's work fine.
However, it's seems not support scan barcode from an available image in gallery of android devices.
How i can do it? or with other barcode library?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 25220
Reputation: 738
First, of course, read the image from the gallery (this can be in your activity): Help by
Intent pickIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
pickIntent.setDataAndType( android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, "image/*");
startActivityForResult(pickIntent, 111);
After that, just get the image uri on the activity result and then ZXing will do the magic:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
switch (requestCode) {
//the case is because you might be handling multiple request codes here
case 111:
if(data == null || data.getData()==null) {
Log.e("TAG", "The uri is null, probably the user cancelled the image selection process using the back button.");
Uri uri = data.getData();
InputStream inputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream);
if (bitmap == null)
Log.e("TAG", "uri is not a bitmap," + uri.toString());
int width = bitmap.getWidth(), height = bitmap.getHeight();
int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
bitmap = null;
RGBLuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(width, height, pixels);
BinaryBitmap bBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
MultiFormatReader reader = new MultiFormatReader();
Result result = reader.decode(bBitmap);
Toast.makeText(this, "The content of the QR image is: " + result.getText(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
catch (NotFoundException e)
Log.e("TAG", "decode exception", e);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
Log.e("TAG", "can not open file" + uri.toString(), e);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11146
I'm in between of same scenario, where it throw NotFoundException, official doc says
Thrown when a barcode was not found in the image. It might have been partially detected but could not be confirmed.
First level solution at some extend @Laurent answer worked almost for every sample I have but failed for few.
Next level solution adding decodeHints before to reader.decode(..) suggested by @Lucien Mendela did the trick.
Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object> decodeHints = new Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object>();
decodeHints.put(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER, Boolean.TRUE); // Not required in my case
decodeHints.put(DecodeHintType.PURE_BARCODE, Boolean.TRUE);
But final things that worked for me
Reference Adding couple of similar issue filed across:
Tools you can use to validate image you have:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 134
I have a working sample on how to implement this, if you reading in 2016 here is how I did it:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener {
//initialize variables to make them global
private ImageButton Scan;
private static final int SELECT_PHOTO = 100;
//for easy manipulation of the result
public String barcode;
//call oncreate method
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//cast neccesary variables to their views
Scan = (ImageButton)findViewById(;
//set a new custom listener
//launch gallery via intent
Intent photoPic = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
startActivityForResult(photoPic, SELECT_PHOTO);
//do necessary coding for each ID
public void onClick(View v) {
switch (v.getId()){
//launch gallery via intent
Intent photoPic = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
startActivityForResult(photoPic, SELECT_PHOTO);
//call the onactivity result method
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent imageReturnedIntent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, imageReturnedIntent);
switch (requestCode) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
//doing some uri parsing
Uri selectedImage = imageReturnedIntent.getData();
InputStream imageStream = null;
try {
//getting the image
imageStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(selectedImage);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "File not found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//decoding bitmap
Bitmap bMap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream);
Scan.setImageURI(selectedImage);// To display selected image in image view
int[] intArray = new int[bMap.getWidth() * bMap.getHeight()];
// copy pixel data from the Bitmap into the 'intArray' array
bMap.getPixels(intArray, 0, bMap.getWidth(), 0, 0, bMap.getWidth(),
LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(bMap.getWidth(),
bMap.getHeight(), intArray);
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
Reader reader = new MultiFormatReader();// use this otherwise
// ChecksumException
try {
Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object> decodeHints = new Hashtable<DecodeHintType, Object>();
decodeHints.put(DecodeHintType.TRY_HARDER, Boolean.TRUE);
decodeHints.put(DecodeHintType.PURE_BARCODE, Boolean.TRUE);
Result result = reader.decode(bitmap, decodeHints);
//*I have created a global string variable by the name of barcode to easily manipulate data across the application*//
barcode = result.getText().toString();
//do something with the results for demo i created a popup dialog
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Scan Result");
builder.setMessage("" + barcode);
AlertDialog alert1 = builder.create();
alert1.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Done", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
Intent i = new Intent (getBaseContext(),MainActivity.class);
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Scan Result");
builder.setMessage("Nothing found try a different image or try again");
AlertDialog alert1 = builder.create();
alert1.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "Done", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
Intent i = new Intent (getBaseContext(),MainActivity.class);
//the end of do something with the button statement.
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Nothing Found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (ChecksumException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Something weird happen, i was probably tired to solve this issue", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (FormatException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Wrong Barcode/QR format", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Something weird happen, i was probably tired to solve this issue", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 7653
You could use this class MultiFormatReader from ZXing library.
You have to get Gallery image in BitMap and convert it as this:
Bitmap bMap = [...];
String contents = null;
int[] intArray = new int[bMap.getWidth()*bMap.getHeight()];
//copy pixel data from the Bitmap into the 'intArray' array
bMap.getPixels(intArray, 0, bMap.getWidth(), 0, 0, bMap.getWidth(), bMap.getHeight());
LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(bMap.getWidth(), bMap.getHeight(), intArray);
BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap(new HybridBinarizer(source));
Reader reader = new MultiFormatReader();
Result result = reader.decode(bitmap);
contents = result.getText();
To manipulate big image, please have a look at :
You could use this property android:largeHeap to increase heap size.
Upvotes: 24