Reputation: 9
I get this error message but I'm not testing whole arrays. My minimum running code:
from dolfin import *
import time, numpy, sys
# parameters
eps = 10e-6
# dimensions in meter
l = 100.0
b = 6.0
h = 3.0
# create mesh
mesh = BoxMesh(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, l, h, b, int(l), int(h), int(b))
print mesh
# functionspace
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
boundary_parts = FacetFunction("uint", mesh)
# boundary conditions
class BCLeftRight (SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and ((x[0] <= eps) or (x[0] >= l-eps))
n = 41
steps = numpy.linspace(10,90,n)
i = 0
while i<n:
class BCTop (SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary and x[1] >= h-eps and x[2] >= b-3-eps and ((
x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0-15-eps and x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0-15+eps) or (
x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0+15-eps and x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0+15+eps))#this line produces the error message
bcLeftRight = BCLeftRight()
bcTop = BCTop()
bcLeftRight.mark(boundary_parts, 1)
bcTop.mark(boundary_parts, 2)
u0 = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
bc0 = DirichletBC(V, u0, boundary_parts, 1)
ds = Measure("ds")[boundary_parts]
# define variational problem
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
f = Constant((0.0, -10000, 0.0))
a = inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx
L = inner(f, v)*dx + inner(f, v)*ds(2)
#L = inner(load, v)*ds(2)
# Compute solution
b = None
A = assemble(a)
u = Function(V)
b = assemble(L, tensor=b, exterior_facet_domains=boundary_parts)
bc0.apply(A, b)
solve(A, u.vector(), b)
i = i+1
This code reproduces the error. Strange is: If I leave the while-loop away I don't get the error message. I already tried "&" and "|" and "logical_and" and "logical_or" and brackets"()". I would be happy for quick advice.
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Views: 443
Reputation: 9
I could find the fault. It was the
x[2] >= b-3-eps
which I had to modify to
x[2] >= 2.99
Now it works but I don't know why this piece of code was a problem. I had brackets arround the comparisons before but the error still ocurred. thanks for your help.
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Reputation: 231615
I think operator order is giving you problems.
x>1 and x<3
produces an error because it is evaluated as (x>1 and x)<3
. (x>1) & (x<3)
is the correct expression.
This error message comes up frequently on SO, though this () order cause isn't quite so common.
I nearly missed the comment that flagged the error line. The comment is way off screen:
x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0-15-eps and x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0-15+eps) or (
x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0+15-eps and x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0+15+eps))
(x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0-15-eps) & (x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0-15+eps)) | (
(x[0] >= steps[i]-9.0+15-eps) & (x[0] <= steps[i]+9.0+15+eps)))
You had the right () in
return on_boundary and ((x[0] <= eps) or (x[0] >= l-eps))
The key is to make sure the logical comparisons are performed first. You may still have to change and/or
to ^/|
Upvotes: 2