Reputation: 200
Is it possible to query a filter a SPARQL query by the class of one of its properties? I have an ontology which describes films, and I wish to display all films which were filmed in Europe.
The current SPARQL query is as below:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX cinema: <>
SELECT ?film ?location
?film rdf:type cinema:Film .
?film cinema:wasFilmedAt ?location .
FILTER(?location rdfs:subClassOf cinema:Europe) .
The first two lines of the where clause give me a list of all films and their locations. How can I use the filter to return me results where the location is a subclass of cinema:Europe?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3636
Reputation: 85913
In this particular ontology, cinema:Europe is a subclass of cinema:Location. This is so that we can easily identify particular locations by continent. For this filter, I want to find all films who have a location which is a member of Europe. Do you know how I can do this using SPARQL?
OK, the naming convention is a little bit unusual, but we can work with it. You just need to require that the ?location has a type that is a subclass of Europe (including Europe itself):
select ?film ?location where {
?film rdf:type cinema:Film ;
cinema:wasFilmedAt ?location .
?location rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* cinema:Europe .
Upvotes: 2